Inorder to change the image of homeopathy the thing that works best is SPEED of treating it. I am always excited to mark my patients SOS means report if problem -treatment is DONE.The lesser the time taken the happier I feel. But not my patients-they have been tuned and serviced to keep on taking homeopathic medicines for months if not years.So when I say that "you dont need to report next week(i call my patients on a weekly basis)" I always get the same response-surprise,shock,not-ready,pl may I continue so much so that on occasional moments I have relented.
I personally feel a doctor who keeps his patients with him too long also is a case of "attachment".Fix an objective for each patient, acheive it as fast as possible, make them SOS and let them go.Give them self-help kits, medicines, your site link and you are ready for NEXT patient.
What happens in practice is that there is a nice system of follow-up on a weekly basis that gets so set in the routine (of both) that its easy and smooth.Also other complications can happen like doctor becomes your friend , confidant, agony aunt,advisor, family so you want to be with him/her.Senior citizens often come because its something to do in the evening in this busy-city-routine.This is the reason that many times people say homeopathy means "placebo-effect" simply because in all the history-taking your doc becomes your friend and you are better just because you make a good friend.
It is therefore very important to evaluate homeopathic treatment and their results.We can evalute it at various levels depending upon your objectives, the nature of disease etc.Most of this applies to classical homeopathy since for chronic diseases thats the best form of homeopathy but one can use it for others as well.
Results should be considered for evaluation only if
--one has taken medicines at least for 3months in most cases and more for advanced or grave cases
--the homeopath is professional -so that we are sure that the disease has been understood properly
For evaluating lets first see the broad type of diseases as classified by homeopath
1)Completely treatable ex acidity,colds, coughs -complete cure is possible and must happen.There can be different causes which individualises the case but in most cases fully cured or at least 80% better
2)Complex but treatable:Like psoriasis, eczema, PCOD,kidney stone. If the psoriatic patches are large then it takes lot of time but cure is still possible.In 3months you must definately see the signs of improvement.People should begin to comment or spouses/partners should be able to see the change.Diagnostic tests can also help.Lowering in increased values, changes in blood tests, or change in size(say of cyst) on sonography.
3)Palliative treatment in cases like advanced cancers, degenerative changes like OA(osteoarthritis) etc.Means the pain is better, burning is better but the disease process is not reversible or treatable to that extent.Overall patient Iis happy of the relief that homeopathy has to offer.
While evaluating always compare with before treatment scenario-pain, frequency,intensity,trigger factors,blood reports, sonography, Xray reports,MRIs, Scans all help to get a picture.Sometimes one is not sure and in such cases treatment should continue and that it has not deteriorated is a good indicator to go by.It also helps to have other involved people to opine-a nurse will tell you better how much the patient can now walk compared to a cribber-patient who does not want to get better.
Except for a few complaints like colds, some skin pigmentations and others nothing really gets better on its own. If so it would not have happened in the first place.Secondly even a simple thing like regular walks can increase the immunity and clear certain problems.At times homeopathy also has effect long after you stop it -since latest reasearch says that the action of homeopathy is through purines and pyrimides structures which take time to stimulate our bodies.
If you are better then its only a matter of time that cure will happen-some more time -say 3months more or 6 months maximum.Keep at it.However, if not you need to tell your homeopath that you are really not better and she will change the dosage/drug/potency to get it right.Also do check out if similar cases have been handled by your doctor.Only if your doc is not listening you need to change. Other therapy like allopathy should be sought only if it offers a better solution.Better does not mean dependent-so an allopathic pump/inhaler is not a good solution for asthmatics, or insulin shots for diabetics.Interesting would be to ask why your case is taking time-bad family history(fathers/mothers/aunts/grandparents-hypertentions,DM,cancers) is like a speed breaker in treatment.
If you still have doubts comment or opine and I will get back....
dr medha durge is a senior experienced homeopath with 24yrs of practice. her interest include all the things that have actually helped her patients to do better in life.Practice includes medicines,councelling, guidance. expert in treating pcod, menses, irregularities, skin, hair, weightloss,bronchitis, osteoarthritis, prevention of dialysis
Thursday, 14 November 2013
Tuesday, 15 October 2013
Why every diabetic benefits with Homeopathy?
Diabetes is a metabolic disease characterised by raised blood sugar levels.The prevalence is worldwide and across all regions of the world.There are about 25 million suffering in United States alone which is about 8% of population and roughly 200+ million world-wide. Its in epidemic proportion.
Why has it become such a villian and why is it important to study it.The simple reason is that its tricky since it does not involve only taking medicines -it forces us to have discipline and control.Both these things are most hated in mankind. Control over food and discipline in our lives.Boy, its messy.So you cant eat sugar--gone are the ice-creams,dough-nuts,pastries,cakes,chocolates,gulab-jamuns,syrups,yummies. Add to it rice,potatoes,starch.....And the doc says you have to MOVE. Excercise, swim, go out, sweat it..wheres the time and who cares-cant you invent a good pill or something ?
At every social event its a monumental task to avoid the stuff you love or suffer the guilt later if you gave in.And what a great ammunition in the hands of anyone who has a grudge against you-I am only asking you not to eat it since I care for you.
So you take your pills and dont diet or exercise. Over a period of time the pills pile up and the chronic effects of diabetes build up.It is spoiling your nerves, eyes, kidneys,immunity, metabolism, heart and just about all your organs. If by chance you are in those really stressful times(loosing a job/ spouse/ child) then the sugar can go so high that insulin inj will be required. Boy the mess keeps increasing.
There are many who say -big deal i can handle insulin inj.Yes you can but that sort of adjustment should be your last resort.If you have better solutions dont accept insulin.Go for self-empowering solutions rather than making yourself dependent on such inj.
I have seen many cases of diabetes benefiting with homeopathy.In many of these cases we dont want to dis-continue the conventional treatment but add homeopathy to assist the already going medicine.Almost all cases can be prevented from going to insulin inj.Thats great-I hate the idea of pricking one-self daily-its sick!
Another area is the neuropathies that occur due to diabetes -benefit from homeopathic treatment.Innumerable diabetic ulcers, foot infections all do well with homeopathy.Many times severe infections will respond to homeopathic medicines. Healing is hastened with homeopathy.Homeopathy also helps in prevention of dialysis when kidney gets damaged at later stage.
There is change in the quality of life with homeopathic help since homeopathy penetrates the deeper aspects of health and makes changes so that the bodys own healing process gets triggered.
Today everyone is asking HOW? I suppose that is left to the scientists to find out what exactly happens with homeopathic doses.There is concept of nano-medicine.I am a practitioner for 24yrs now and I can say that it has helped each and every case of mine with diabetes in some way or other.Homeopathy makes world a better place and diabetes a lesser villian !
Why has it become such a villian and why is it important to study it.The simple reason is that its tricky since it does not involve only taking medicines -it forces us to have discipline and control.Both these things are most hated in mankind. Control over food and discipline in our lives.Boy, its messy.So you cant eat sugar--gone are the ice-creams,dough-nuts,pastries,cakes,chocolates,gulab-jamuns,syrups,yummies. Add to it rice,potatoes,starch.....And the doc says you have to MOVE. Excercise, swim, go out, sweat it..wheres the time and who cares-cant you invent a good pill or something ?
At every social event its a monumental task to avoid the stuff you love or suffer the guilt later if you gave in.And what a great ammunition in the hands of anyone who has a grudge against you-I am only asking you not to eat it since I care for you.
So you take your pills and dont diet or exercise. Over a period of time the pills pile up and the chronic effects of diabetes build up.It is spoiling your nerves, eyes, kidneys,immunity, metabolism, heart and just about all your organs. If by chance you are in those really stressful times(loosing a job/ spouse/ child) then the sugar can go so high that insulin inj will be required. Boy the mess keeps increasing.
There are many who say -big deal i can handle insulin inj.Yes you can but that sort of adjustment should be your last resort.If you have better solutions dont accept insulin.Go for self-empowering solutions rather than making yourself dependent on such inj.
I have seen many cases of diabetes benefiting with homeopathy.In many of these cases we dont want to dis-continue the conventional treatment but add homeopathy to assist the already going medicine.Almost all cases can be prevented from going to insulin inj.Thats great-I hate the idea of pricking one-self daily-its sick!
Another area is the neuropathies that occur due to diabetes -benefit from homeopathic treatment.Innumerable diabetic ulcers, foot infections all do well with homeopathy.Many times severe infections will respond to homeopathic medicines. Healing is hastened with homeopathy.Homeopathy also helps in prevention of dialysis when kidney gets damaged at later stage.
There is change in the quality of life with homeopathic help since homeopathy penetrates the deeper aspects of health and makes changes so that the bodys own healing process gets triggered.
Today everyone is asking HOW? I suppose that is left to the scientists to find out what exactly happens with homeopathic doses.There is concept of nano-medicine.I am a practitioner for 24yrs now and I can say that it has helped each and every case of mine with diabetes in some way or other.Homeopathy makes world a better place and diabetes a lesser villian !
Monday, 16 September 2013
Sure shot for Acne !
It is only recently that i have begun to understand the pain of my acne-patients.Yes, it does look ugly and there is hardly anything that REALLY works.Before you go for the latest cream that treats acne here are things you should know that are more important.
1)Treat That Dandruff: The commonest cause of the acne that are rampant and obstinate is the dandruff.It flakes, falls on face and causes acne.This acne will not go away till the dandruff is treated.However, its not easy to treat dandruff.Shampoos again are not the answer as they increase the dryness of hair and propogate more dandruff.Oiling of hair is required( refer blog on dandruff).
2)Drink plenty of water.Measure how much water you drink by always drinking from one bottle.Total between 2-3litres per day is good.More in diarrhoea or acute illness or summers.Drinking water helps to throw out the toxins that accumulate in the body and improves the skin.
3)Exercise. Why? Because when you sweat the water that comes out of those pores also cleanses it. Your face clears up and acne are reduced.
4)Hormones/Menses/Sex: Its important that your periods are regular.Irregular menses can mean a cyst in ovary or PCOD which can cause profuse and bad acne and treatment is way different than creams.Hormonal imbalances have to be treated internally only then acne will reduce externally.Regular sex is also good in maintainig good skin people have reported -i dont know why.
5)I have also found that red meat seems to give clear and sparkling skin without acne.I do say that eat whole-some food with vegetables, nuts,fruits.Get plenty of sunlight.
6)Be happy, smiling, and sleeping well is important.Many teens get acne in stress, during exams, late nights, tensions etc
Creams and Medicines
Local applications of creams should be used only if acne are few and small and that respond to creams.If they persists and are not going away think of medicinal treatment specially if your periods are not regular etc.Obstinate dandruff will also require treatment.
Homeopathic treatment for acne is fast and permanant ...
1)Treat That Dandruff: The commonest cause of the acne that are rampant and obstinate is the dandruff.It flakes, falls on face and causes acne.This acne will not go away till the dandruff is treated.However, its not easy to treat dandruff.Shampoos again are not the answer as they increase the dryness of hair and propogate more dandruff.Oiling of hair is required( refer blog on dandruff).
2)Drink plenty of water.Measure how much water you drink by always drinking from one bottle.Total between 2-3litres per day is good.More in diarrhoea or acute illness or summers.Drinking water helps to throw out the toxins that accumulate in the body and improves the skin.
3)Exercise. Why? Because when you sweat the water that comes out of those pores also cleanses it. Your face clears up and acne are reduced.
4)Hormones/Menses/Sex: Its important that your periods are regular.Irregular menses can mean a cyst in ovary or PCOD which can cause profuse and bad acne and treatment is way different than creams.Hormonal imbalances have to be treated internally only then acne will reduce externally.Regular sex is also good in maintainig good skin people have reported -i dont know why.
5)I have also found that red meat seems to give clear and sparkling skin without acne.I do say that eat whole-some food with vegetables, nuts,fruits.Get plenty of sunlight.
6)Be happy, smiling, and sleeping well is important.Many teens get acne in stress, during exams, late nights, tensions etc
Creams and Medicines
Local applications of creams should be used only if acne are few and small and that respond to creams.If they persists and are not going away think of medicinal treatment specially if your periods are not regular etc.Obstinate dandruff will also require treatment.
Homeopathic treatment for acne is fast and permanant ...
Wednesday, 4 September 2013
Hidden benefits of homeopathy that nobody know.
If you are not falling sick and have reasonable good health then you dont need homeopathy right ? Wrong. Why ?
Let me explain with a story-this 47 yrs old lady came to me saying that she has had good health and all except now a days she has little burning and acidity-mild not much. Inspite of mild complaints I asked her to do a complete case with full history.Her mother had a sudden death many yrs back and nobody knew why but she also used to have a little burning.Patient during her life had lots of ups and downs but her health remained good.I sent her for a scopy which revealed a bad punched -out ulcer which needed immediate medications.We may have prevented an emergency and burst ulcer.
The case shows that probably mother also had a burst ulcer causing death. In cases of ulcer the burning, pain, discomfort is severe and is easily diagnosed and medicated. In some patients however this is not so-the body expresses weakly and unclearly and are potentially dangerous.
Homeopathic constitutional medicines stimulates the body to throw better symtoms and hence make them more accessible to treatment.This is also important because these traits get transferred genetically.
Many patients tells me "I had a bad skin disease which got cured by allopathy very well but now I dont know how I have bronchitis--maybe pollution...". Now pollution was there all the time so why did it develop now? And from where did bronchitis come ?
Fact is that skin did not get cured it got suppressed--means disappeared from surface and affected the bronchus instead-because that is the travel of disease.It first affects the superficial harmless easily seen skin and then the vital organs(like good packaging).Nice arrangement by our creator! When we start treatment and the right medicine is given occasionally it re-appears on skin which is the natural way it goes away.Patient is not worried about bronchitis but about skin(it looks ugly/people ask questions) doctor is worried about bronchitis not skin.Smart homeopath can also prevent skin getting involved and treating bronchitis.
Generally all complaints occurring in babies upto 2yrs is about the genes of parents, grandparents,uncles & aunts.We inspect it and treat it accordingly so that most problems can be nipped in the bud.
Problems occurring recurrently like kidney stones, warts, cysts, growths, infections, gall-stones are all because of family tendencies which need to be addressed-treated.They stop deteriorating and give better health.
Minor surgeries can be prevented and we can cut costs on treatment for hemorrhoids(piles), fissures, fistulas, abscesses, warts, tonsils, stys, wounds etc.
In my experience we have been able to prevent diarrhea to such an extent that a hospital had to be closed down as we could manage it on OPD basis(we were out as we were good but bad for finance of hospital)
Hence I dont understand this whole big issue of healthcare costs-its simple really !
Let me explain with a story-this 47 yrs old lady came to me saying that she has had good health and all except now a days she has little burning and acidity-mild not much. Inspite of mild complaints I asked her to do a complete case with full history.Her mother had a sudden death many yrs back and nobody knew why but she also used to have a little burning.Patient during her life had lots of ups and downs but her health remained good.I sent her for a scopy which revealed a bad punched -out ulcer which needed immediate medications.We may have prevented an emergency and burst ulcer.
The case shows that probably mother also had a burst ulcer causing death. In cases of ulcer the burning, pain, discomfort is severe and is easily diagnosed and medicated. In some patients however this is not so-the body expresses weakly and unclearly and are potentially dangerous.
Many patients tells me "I had a bad skin disease which got cured by allopathy very well but now I dont know how I have bronchitis--maybe pollution...". Now pollution was there all the time so why did it develop now? And from where did bronchitis come ?
Fact is that skin did not get cured it got suppressed--means disappeared from surface and affected the bronchus instead-because that is the travel of disease.It first affects the superficial harmless easily seen skin and then the vital organs(like good packaging).Nice arrangement by our creator! When we start treatment and the right medicine is given occasionally it re-appears on skin which is the natural way it goes away.Patient is not worried about bronchitis but about skin(it looks ugly/people ask questions) doctor is worried about bronchitis not skin.Smart homeopath can also prevent skin getting involved and treating bronchitis.
Generally all complaints occurring in babies upto 2yrs is about the genes of parents, grandparents,uncles & aunts.We inspect it and treat it accordingly so that most problems can be nipped in the bud.
Problems occurring recurrently like kidney stones, warts, cysts, growths, infections, gall-stones are all because of family tendencies which need to be addressed-treated.They stop deteriorating and give better health.
Minor surgeries can be prevented and we can cut costs on treatment for hemorrhoids(piles), fissures, fistulas, abscesses, warts, tonsils, stys, wounds etc.
In my experience we have been able to prevent diarrhea to such an extent that a hospital had to be closed down as we could manage it on OPD basis(we were out as we were good but bad for finance of hospital)
Hence I dont understand this whole big issue of healthcare costs-its simple really !
Friday, 23 August 2013
Beautiful Hair With Homeopathy
In todays FaceBook world its essential to have a pretty face.Now there is hardly anything we can do about our faces except to keep it pimple free and have lovely hair! I am not the type to recommend surgey or botox -i am a natural freak.So i suggest good glorious hair is also an eye-catcher.
Homeopathy can help you in various ways to have lovely hair.Hair is very important because it represents your health in many ways.Problems with thyroid, ovaries, chronic diseases & hormonal imbalances will represent on the hair.
The first thing in hair maintainance is the elimination of dandruff. Having lots of dandruff means the skin and scalp is dry-more the dandruff more the dryness.Dont even think of anti-dandruff shampoos. Why ? Because shampoos will further dry the hair and they all have bounce-back phenomena.When you stop using them lots of dandruff will be back.Besides, all shampoos(yes even the so called natural ones) are chemicals- again leading to dryness and harm to the skin.
On the path to addressing dandruff is stop all shampoos-at least bring down its usage to once a wk only.Secondly, start scalp massage at home(or parlour) with warm oil(even just oil will do). Any oil will do.Rub it gently on your scalp.Leave it for hours.Do it 2times a week and wash hair regularly also two times a wk.Massaging the scalp improves the blood supply to the scalp and hence strengthens the hair roots and nurishes them.If you dont like oil at all -just massage scalp.Will help.
Wash your hair with natural reetha or shikakai which now-a-days is available even at chemist stores under some brand name. These are natural and dont irritate the scalp.During really important day use shampoo. Remember even homeopathic shampoos are chemicals-but milder.
A good homeopathic hair oil is Arnica hairoil available in various brands. All are good and arnica works beautifully for the hair. In my 23 yrs practice I have never met any patient who did not say that his/her hairfall did not decrease with Arnica hairoil.
The extra-something for the hair will be natural conditioners like eggs,curd are good.Just break eggs and apply and leave it for 20mts or so and wash hair.Same for the curd.
For the texture apply apple cidar vinegar to hair and leave it on for some time. Wash.
Some important NO-NO for hair
--dont use too hot water for the hair wash.It makes them dry
--dont comb immediately after wash-they break easily
--use large tooth comb first and then fine comb
--avoid colours and dyes-latest research shows they produce cancers.
Do get a complete check-up to find that your overall health is ok and that hairfall is not because of some illness.Eat good amount of proteins especially vegetarians should eat plenty of dals/pulses.Non veg can eat eggs, chicken,meat.
Drink plenty of water and sleep well. Welcome to luscious beautiful hair like Dimple Kapadias !
Homeopathy can help you in various ways to have lovely hair.Hair is very important because it represents your health in many ways.Problems with thyroid, ovaries, chronic diseases & hormonal imbalances will represent on the hair.
The first thing in hair maintainance is the elimination of dandruff. Having lots of dandruff means the skin and scalp is dry-more the dandruff more the dryness.Dont even think of anti-dandruff shampoos. Why ? Because shampoos will further dry the hair and they all have bounce-back phenomena.When you stop using them lots of dandruff will be back.Besides, all shampoos(yes even the so called natural ones) are chemicals- again leading to dryness and harm to the skin.
On the path to addressing dandruff is stop all shampoos-at least bring down its usage to once a wk only.Secondly, start scalp massage at home(or parlour) with warm oil(even just oil will do). Any oil will do.Rub it gently on your scalp.Leave it for hours.Do it 2times a week and wash hair regularly also two times a wk.Massaging the scalp improves the blood supply to the scalp and hence strengthens the hair roots and nurishes them.If you dont like oil at all -just massage scalp.Will help.
Wash your hair with natural reetha or shikakai which now-a-days is available even at chemist stores under some brand name. These are natural and dont irritate the scalp.During really important day use shampoo. Remember even homeopathic shampoos are chemicals-but milder.
A good homeopathic hair oil is Arnica hairoil available in various brands. All are good and arnica works beautifully for the hair. In my 23 yrs practice I have never met any patient who did not say that his/her hairfall did not decrease with Arnica hairoil.
The extra-something for the hair will be natural conditioners like eggs,curd are good.Just break eggs and apply and leave it for 20mts or so and wash hair.Same for the curd.
For the texture apply apple cidar vinegar to hair and leave it on for some time. Wash.
Some important NO-NO for hair
--dont use too hot water for the hair wash.It makes them dry
--dont comb immediately after wash-they break easily
--use large tooth comb first and then fine comb
--avoid colours and dyes-latest research shows they produce cancers.
Do get a complete check-up to find that your overall health is ok and that hairfall is not because of some illness.Eat good amount of proteins especially vegetarians should eat plenty of dals/pulses.Non veg can eat eggs, chicken,meat.
Drink plenty of water and sleep well. Welcome to luscious beautiful hair like Dimple Kapadias !
Saturday, 17 August 2013
Simple Ways To Manage Your Blood Pressure
So you were diagnosed of blood pressure.Nothing new today with 970 million people having high blood pressure world-wide and the single cause for premature death.
In panic dont rush for the anti-hypertensive medications or pills. Why ? Because a single noting of raised pressure does not indicate anything at all. Maybe you were tensed because you heard some-one is not well or is diagnosed of cancer or you lost a parent.Take your pressure again with a gap of few days and follow it up with several more.If consistantly you have a raised pressure we need to do something about it.Keep in mind if you have a family history of blood pressure you need to be more alert as you will not have any symtoms because of pressure.People who have no family history will get headaches, weakness , sluggishness and hence will know their BP has increased.
In the mean time do these simple things and see if your BP is responding to it.Doing these consistantly for 3months generally produce good beneficial results.
1) CUT YOUR SALT: Though there are many controversial results about salt, each different and against the earlier its still a good bet.Remember salt means more than your table salt it also means-kettchups, sauces, gravies, chips, popcorns, chutneys, pickles, masalas, dips, preservatives.All these together makes for lot of salt.Cutting just pickles can reduce so much of salt.
2)EATING OUT-Reduce it as much as possible -it adds to the salt , oil, fatty foods.
3)DONT TAKE THE CAR- Take a regular walk daily at least for 20-30 minutes. Only 25 mts of good walk (no talking, gossiping with friends) even 4 times a week gives amazing results.Go to the movies or mall without the car. If its too far take local transport because with it you will end up walking more.Adjust your day to include a walk.Latest research says walking is good for your heart.
4)TALK TO YOURSELF-Introspection helps reduces stress. Talk to yourself-what makes you happy, what do you like to do? Are you doing it ? Why not ? Most of the time there is really no reason and we are caught up in the routine.Dont give others power over you-if someones words can trouble you the whole day he has power over you. Work on yourself, your emotions , nature.
5)EAT FRUITS & VEGETABLES-Plenty of it, its good for health.
Many times its a stress period when we get diagnosed of blood pressure.If the stress is serious and bad-property problems, debts, sudden deaths do take anti-hypertensives (or homeopathy) for a short period of time.As soon as things are better try to get your BP down and then taper off anti-hypertensives.They should never be abruptly stopped-body has got used to it and it will re-act. Take homeopathy for 3months or so and then taper the anti-hypertensives.
Prolonged intake of anti-hypertensives have side-effects and stops the natural healing system of the body.Then you have to always take the anti-hypertensives.Later on you have to be medicated for their side-effects and hence there is long list of medications.
The most important thing about BP is to keep a note of its progress in the body.There has to be a regular check on eyes(retina), kidney, heart to see if their functions are normal.
In panic dont rush for the anti-hypertensive medications or pills. Why ? Because a single noting of raised pressure does not indicate anything at all. Maybe you were tensed because you heard some-one is not well or is diagnosed of cancer or you lost a parent.Take your pressure again with a gap of few days and follow it up with several more.If consistantly you have a raised pressure we need to do something about it.Keep in mind if you have a family history of blood pressure you need to be more alert as you will not have any symtoms because of pressure.People who have no family history will get headaches, weakness , sluggishness and hence will know their BP has increased.
In the mean time do these simple things and see if your BP is responding to it.Doing these consistantly for 3months generally produce good beneficial results.
1) CUT YOUR SALT: Though there are many controversial results about salt, each different and against the earlier its still a good bet.Remember salt means more than your table salt it also means-kettchups, sauces, gravies, chips, popcorns, chutneys, pickles, masalas, dips, preservatives.All these together makes for lot of salt.Cutting just pickles can reduce so much of salt.
2)EATING OUT-Reduce it as much as possible -it adds to the salt , oil, fatty foods.
3)DONT TAKE THE CAR- Take a regular walk daily at least for 20-30 minutes. Only 25 mts of good walk (no talking, gossiping with friends) even 4 times a week gives amazing results.Go to the movies or mall without the car. If its too far take local transport because with it you will end up walking more.Adjust your day to include a walk.Latest research says walking is good for your heart.
4)TALK TO YOURSELF-Introspection helps reduces stress. Talk to yourself-what makes you happy, what do you like to do? Are you doing it ? Why not ? Most of the time there is really no reason and we are caught up in the routine.Dont give others power over you-if someones words can trouble you the whole day he has power over you. Work on yourself, your emotions , nature.
5)EAT FRUITS & VEGETABLES-Plenty of it, its good for health.
Many times its a stress period when we get diagnosed of blood pressure.If the stress is serious and bad-property problems, debts, sudden deaths do take anti-hypertensives (or homeopathy) for a short period of time.As soon as things are better try to get your BP down and then taper off anti-hypertensives.They should never be abruptly stopped-body has got used to it and it will re-act. Take homeopathy for 3months or so and then taper the anti-hypertensives.
Prolonged intake of anti-hypertensives have side-effects and stops the natural healing system of the body.Then you have to always take the anti-hypertensives.Later on you have to be medicated for their side-effects and hence there is long list of medications.
The most important thing about BP is to keep a note of its progress in the body.There has to be a regular check on eyes(retina), kidney, heart to see if their functions are normal.
Friday, 2 August 2013
World Health and Homeopathy
So what are the issues that World Health Organisation WHO thinks are important today ? How healthy is the world ? Which countries are doing well and why ?
The good news is that Tuberculosis as a world problem has slipped from top 10. Still within top 15.And with it the era of infections. Infections are no longer looking problem even in the lower-middle income group countries.Now infections are a problem only in the low income group countries mainly due to the sanitation and other issues connected with infections.
The world is moving towards chronic diseases.The top 10 causes of death include -ischemic heart disease, stroke, HIV-AIDS, cancers, diabetes spread across countries of high income, middle income and higher-middle income. Chronic diseases are taking centre-satge.
What does this say about us ? Several things-for one that the body has been excessively taxed.If you dont have a family history of many illnesses(parents with diabetes,cancer,hypertention or similar) then the body is reasonably built to absorb insults.It will adjust to change of climate, stress-physical/mental, emotional loss or climate change, grief. Only if things go beyond (or there are family genes) then the body begins show signs of not being able to cope.It is now the disease sets in -raised BP or sugar etc.
Another thing is when you get the chronic diseases early in life you automatically are creating your genes which will be transferred to your child in a compromised way.So you are one in the chain of people.Hence in "Gita" the sacred hindu book it is said that each one of us is important and each one should strive to create goodness(read good genes).This is not so for infections.
Problem is solution lies with us.It would be so easy to pop some pills and get it over with.But there is no easy solution and we need to toil ourselves to bring results.Walk, run, exercise, control mind-desires,eat less, eat healthy...list is endless.Well some people do pop pills and what is the result ? Soon they are on injectables or pace-makers, or dialysis. There is no easy way.Thats life -there is really no free breakfast here. !
Infections on the other hand are far better.Generally occures for a short period of time, can pop some pills maybe at hospital for few days, more pills and you are done.Good as new-all genes intact.Imapct on health, body, genes is nil.
The impact on body of chronic diseases is more, long lasting, transfarable and depleting.Health becomes our focus and quality of life affected.Also pills become suddenly more important.And we become vulnerable.Steve Jobs tried homeopathy when diagnosed of liver ? cancer -out of frustration ?
A great spirit can fight all and chronic disease is no acception but I have still to see people who can keep their spirits up at such times. Health anxiety is pretty common and few can overcome.
The burden of chronic diseases is going to weigh heavily on the resources of govts of countries.It will affect productivity and per capita income.The healthcare costs are already spiralling and there is lack of good healthcare staff to say nothing of good doctors.These patients are going to advanced facilities when these illnesses will get complicated -all diabetics will need dialysis, stroke patients will need physiotherapy and skilled help, cancer will need follow -ups, investigations.
Homeopathy can be integrated into the healthcare system inorder to bring the costs down.It will also address the more serious problem of altering the genetic patterns that are getting formed.It influences the immune response of the body to trigger our bodys mechanism to set things right.After all conventional medicines only supress the illness and most diabetics on medications also land up for dialysis. Right ?
France has one of the best healthcare systems in the world-infact declared 1st by WHO and it has 40% of people using homeopathy.
The good news is that Tuberculosis as a world problem has slipped from top 10. Still within top 15.And with it the era of infections. Infections are no longer looking problem even in the lower-middle income group countries.Now infections are a problem only in the low income group countries mainly due to the sanitation and other issues connected with infections.
The world is moving towards chronic diseases.The top 10 causes of death include -ischemic heart disease, stroke, HIV-AIDS, cancers, diabetes spread across countries of high income, middle income and higher-middle income. Chronic diseases are taking centre-satge.
What does this say about us ? Several things-for one that the body has been excessively taxed.If you dont have a family history of many illnesses(parents with diabetes,cancer,hypertention or similar) then the body is reasonably built to absorb insults.It will adjust to change of climate, stress-physical/mental, emotional loss or climate change, grief. Only if things go beyond (or there are family genes) then the body begins show signs of not being able to cope.It is now the disease sets in -raised BP or sugar etc.
Another thing is when you get the chronic diseases early in life you automatically are creating your genes which will be transferred to your child in a compromised way.So you are one in the chain of people.Hence in "Gita" the sacred hindu book it is said that each one of us is important and each one should strive to create goodness(read good genes).This is not so for infections.
Problem is solution lies with us.It would be so easy to pop some pills and get it over with.But there is no easy solution and we need to toil ourselves to bring results.Walk, run, exercise, control mind-desires,eat less, eat healthy...list is endless.Well some people do pop pills and what is the result ? Soon they are on injectables or pace-makers, or dialysis. There is no easy way.Thats life -there is really no free breakfast here. !
Infections on the other hand are far better.Generally occures for a short period of time, can pop some pills maybe at hospital for few days, more pills and you are done.Good as new-all genes intact.Imapct on health, body, genes is nil.
The impact on body of chronic diseases is more, long lasting, transfarable and depleting.Health becomes our focus and quality of life affected.Also pills become suddenly more important.And we become vulnerable.Steve Jobs tried homeopathy when diagnosed of liver ? cancer -out of frustration ?
A great spirit can fight all and chronic disease is no acception but I have still to see people who can keep their spirits up at such times. Health anxiety is pretty common and few can overcome.
The burden of chronic diseases is going to weigh heavily on the resources of govts of countries.It will affect productivity and per capita income.The healthcare costs are already spiralling and there is lack of good healthcare staff to say nothing of good doctors.These patients are going to advanced facilities when these illnesses will get complicated -all diabetics will need dialysis, stroke patients will need physiotherapy and skilled help, cancer will need follow -ups, investigations.
Homeopathy can be integrated into the healthcare system inorder to bring the costs down.It will also address the more serious problem of altering the genetic patterns that are getting formed.It influences the immune response of the body to trigger our bodys mechanism to set things right.After all conventional medicines only supress the illness and most diabetics on medications also land up for dialysis. Right ?
France has one of the best healthcare systems in the world-infact declared 1st by WHO and it has 40% of people using homeopathy.
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
Psoriasis and Homeopathy
There is not a single homeopath worth his salt who will not talk to you about treating Psoriasis with homeopathy. Even DrBatras used it extensively for their advertising footage across the country.It talks about the homeopathic superiority over allopathy done convincingly.An area where nobody can challenge its results. But the fact is that you dont need to be a great or good homeopath to do this.Psoriasis simply responds to homeopathy better.
In the begining of my practice I never could understand why a small pimple or a mark on face should upset people so much that they are ready to do anything to get rid of it.It was only later that I realised the crazy world of looks and beauty.And only later to the obsessiveness about skin.
This is the very reason that we are talking about psoriaisis.Because it is on the skin, can be seen.The moment it comes up people go into this aggressive hurry to get rid of it--creams, pills,oitments,doctors-anything at all to get rid of the ugly look.And if you are a doc dont even mention the word pso.. just say rash.!

Psoriasis is an itchy-flaky skin complaint which often exudes powdery discharge and makes the look silvery and ugly.Increased itching makes the skin dark and thick over a period of time.It just goes worse since it does not respond to allopathy and steroids are prescribed.Though I have nothing against steroids it supresses the lesion and later makes it worse.This is the reason that we homeopaths get psorisis when they are bigger,worse and out of control.And yet we get results -see !
The reason is that its immune-mediated skin disorder.Means our own cells dont understand and wrongly cause over-production of cells.And improved immunity is what homeopathy does best.With constitutional medicines the immunity begins to improve and the crazy cells are made to see some sense.But its not that easy because generally people come to us late or advanced stage, itching is intense at times and hence difficult to manage, the progress with homeopathy is slow and difficult for patient to sustain. Most of all person does not want to go to social places etc for fear of people asking him about him or shunning him.
Another issue is of local application of ointments or creams.Patients like using it and always ask for it. Now a serious student of homeopathy or practitioner will not allow application for fear of destroying the skins natural expression which helps him prescribe.But if nothing is given to patients they will use their old left-over steroid cream prescribed by allopath.So I go midway and prescribe them homeopathic creams.Patient feels good that he is applying something and I am happy that steroid is gone.Everybody wins !
All psoriasis patients become our friends because we hand-hold them through their painful journey.The moment there is one good patch or healed skin he is not leaving you for sure,because he has done it all paid every doc he was shown and nothing had helped.Many times the patches are so large that it takes a long time to make it normal.I had a patient whose at least 70% skin was affected and he was with me for over 3yrs or so.All the time getting better but slowly...Ended up wishing me on my birthday..
In the begining of my practice I never could understand why a small pimple or a mark on face should upset people so much that they are ready to do anything to get rid of it.It was only later that I realised the crazy world of looks and beauty.And only later to the obsessiveness about skin.
This is the very reason that we are talking about psoriaisis.Because it is on the skin, can be seen.The moment it comes up people go into this aggressive hurry to get rid of it--creams, pills,oitments,doctors-anything at all to get rid of the ugly look.And if you are a doc dont even mention the word pso.. just say rash.!
Psoriasis is an itchy-flaky skin complaint which often exudes powdery discharge and makes the look silvery and ugly.Increased itching makes the skin dark and thick over a period of time.It just goes worse since it does not respond to allopathy and steroids are prescribed.Though I have nothing against steroids it supresses the lesion and later makes it worse.This is the reason that we homeopaths get psorisis when they are bigger,worse and out of control.And yet we get results -see !
The reason is that its immune-mediated skin disorder.Means our own cells dont understand and wrongly cause over-production of cells.And improved immunity is what homeopathy does best.With constitutional medicines the immunity begins to improve and the crazy cells are made to see some sense.But its not that easy because generally people come to us late or advanced stage, itching is intense at times and hence difficult to manage, the progress with homeopathy is slow and difficult for patient to sustain. Most of all person does not want to go to social places etc for fear of people asking him about him or shunning him.
Another issue is of local application of ointments or creams.Patients like using it and always ask for it. Now a serious student of homeopathy or practitioner will not allow application for fear of destroying the skins natural expression which helps him prescribe.But if nothing is given to patients they will use their old left-over steroid cream prescribed by allopath.So I go midway and prescribe them homeopathic creams.Patient feels good that he is applying something and I am happy that steroid is gone.Everybody wins !
All psoriasis patients become our friends because we hand-hold them through their painful journey.The moment there is one good patch or healed skin he is not leaving you for sure,because he has done it all paid every doc he was shown and nothing had helped.Many times the patches are so large that it takes a long time to make it normal.I had a patient whose at least 70% skin was affected and he was with me for over 3yrs or so.All the time getting better but slowly...Ended up wishing me on my birthday..
Thursday, 18 July 2013
Monsoon Health With Homeopathy
This year the rains in Mumbai -India have been incessant.There is no sun and this is not easy for us as we are not used to it. This high humidity, rains, no sun is not good for health.
Why ? There are what I call intrinsic factors and extrinsic factors, some in our hands and some not. Extrinsic factors are poor roads, unhygienic water and food, poor public transport, stagnant water--which indirectly taxes our health and makes it vulnerable. It helps fester organisms and germs. Laws are not strict and hence situation continues year-after-year.
Intrinsic factors are about us and our body.It looses its peak form due to lack of sun and too much rains. It has to be nurtured with warm drinks like soups to keep it going.Some of us are allergic or cannot bear a cold breeze. Add to this stress of simple commuting and work pressure or even unpleasant news.There are rheumatic bodies which get aches and pains as it begins to pour....
Now when this is the state of body it cannot handle any infection-whether stomach, respiratory, skin. Medicines will work slowly, and there is often recurrence.The problem is more in stomach infections where person will not be confident enough to travel.
Homeopathy is a refreshing help during monsoon. It can treat your continuous sneezing, coughs, colds, bodyaches, pains better but will also prevent you from getting it again.The constitutional medicine helps you to cope with all the intrinsic factors well so that its in top gear.This will help to handle the extrinsic factors well.The power of good health is in your hands.
The acute medicines will take care of your current problem like sneezing, cold , sinus etc and your constitutional medicines will increase your immunity so that your system can deal with other diseases.The mismatic medicines will help rheumatic tendencies.
Over a period of time the state of body improves.Recurrent illness saps you of energy and enthusiasm.
Every day one reads about Leptospirosis, jaundice, cholera and all these diseases popping their heads during monsoon.All you need is to visit your homeopath and take your medicine so that you are fortified.
Homeopathy has grown so much that recently in Cuba govt dealt with Leptospirosis with homeopathy with great results.
Make Homeopathy your preferred choice of treatment so that no health-news should scare you !
Why ? There are what I call intrinsic factors and extrinsic factors, some in our hands and some not. Extrinsic factors are poor roads, unhygienic water and food, poor public transport, stagnant water--which indirectly taxes our health and makes it vulnerable. It helps fester organisms and germs. Laws are not strict and hence situation continues year-after-year.
Intrinsic factors are about us and our body.It looses its peak form due to lack of sun and too much rains. It has to be nurtured with warm drinks like soups to keep it going.Some of us are allergic or cannot bear a cold breeze. Add to this stress of simple commuting and work pressure or even unpleasant news.There are rheumatic bodies which get aches and pains as it begins to pour....
Now when this is the state of body it cannot handle any infection-whether stomach, respiratory, skin. Medicines will work slowly, and there is often recurrence.The problem is more in stomach infections where person will not be confident enough to travel.
Homeopathy is a refreshing help during monsoon. It can treat your continuous sneezing, coughs, colds, bodyaches, pains better but will also prevent you from getting it again.The constitutional medicine helps you to cope with all the intrinsic factors well so that its in top gear.This will help to handle the extrinsic factors well.The power of good health is in your hands.
The acute medicines will take care of your current problem like sneezing, cold , sinus etc and your constitutional medicines will increase your immunity so that your system can deal with other diseases.The mismatic medicines will help rheumatic tendencies.
Over a period of time the state of body improves.Recurrent illness saps you of energy and enthusiasm.
Every day one reads about Leptospirosis, jaundice, cholera and all these diseases popping their heads during monsoon.All you need is to visit your homeopath and take your medicine so that you are fortified.
Homeopathy has grown so much that recently in Cuba govt dealt with Leptospirosis with homeopathy with great results.
Make Homeopathy your preferred choice of treatment so that no health-news should scare you !
Monday, 3 June 2013
Heart Surgeries And Wisdom
My dad was 72 yrs old, fairly fit, walking about 6kms daily and on few prescribed medications for BP etc. Being particular about his health he took the yearly check-up at big hospital.There were major blocks in his heart and the cardiologist said he needed urgent admission for stent (said 5 needed) since the blocks were major and multiple(including one for kidney).I was with him and asked him if he was up to this.
My dad is what I call a plan-fanatic.Everything has to be planned-he can't take any sudden change of plans.
So he said "Rubbish ! I took a 6kms walk yesterday without any problem. I will go home.Period.No discussions".I explained to the cardiologist and he said I needed to take a firm stand and admit him.He refused to discharge us. I know my dad and I took discharge against the wishes of cardiologist.This was in 2006
Dad is now 79 and has not done any surgery and still walks 6kms and leading his normal life.
Where is the gap in understanding and what has happened to the 90% blocks.?
The reports had shown the coronary artery(blood vessel that supplies blood to heart muscles) to be blocked in a major way.Almost 3most important ones.There was one artery in kidney also blocked.Even his carotid artery which supplies blood to the brain was also blocked.I looked at all the reports and also evaluated what the cardiologist had advised and then took the decision.
The cardiologist had advised 5 stents in total 4 in the heart and 1 for the kidney.So as a result-
1)Stents are not totally safe.Complications include procedural and allergy(dyes etc), clots, stenosis.
2)Bleeding, rupture and emergency complications
3)Though we have taken care of heart and kidney what about the carotid which supplies the brain ?
4)Life quality with 5 stents in the heart ....?
The answers to these are not given by cardiologist prior to the operation.When a stent complication will occur and we take dad to hospital he will say yes, this is a complication of stent.So we are taken down the dark alley and circumstances then get a superior hand !
How did wisdom come into this ?
Simple anyone will say 5stents are too much ! Secondly even with a major surgery and no complication surgery -chances of brain clot/ stroke remains. Its like stitching up one end to reveal another.Also the chances of formation of clots from the stent is also there. So are we increasing the risk or decreasing ?
Life would become in and out of hospitals for him and me. Is this what we want ?
Actually what happened was that because his major arteries were blocked his COLLATERALS picked up.Like if our main road is blocked there are always these small lanes through which we can go.Its gods way of ensuring a planB for the heart.Our heart can get blood supply and manage well with it provided the hearts capacity is enhanced/optimized by regular walks.Probably all our old grandfathers did it that way.They had no cardiologists to scare them and no USG to confuse them.
Wise Old People.!
My dad is what I call a plan-fanatic.Everything has to be planned-he can't take any sudden change of plans.
So he said "Rubbish ! I took a 6kms walk yesterday without any problem. I will go home.Period.No discussions".I explained to the cardiologist and he said I needed to take a firm stand and admit him.He refused to discharge us. I know my dad and I took discharge against the wishes of cardiologist.This was in 2006
Dad is now 79 and has not done any surgery and still walks 6kms and leading his normal life.
Where is the gap in understanding and what has happened to the 90% blocks.?
The reports had shown the coronary artery(blood vessel that supplies blood to heart muscles) to be blocked in a major way.Almost 3most important ones.There was one artery in kidney also blocked.Even his carotid artery which supplies blood to the brain was also blocked.I looked at all the reports and also evaluated what the cardiologist had advised and then took the decision.
The cardiologist had advised 5 stents in total 4 in the heart and 1 for the kidney.So as a result-
1)Stents are not totally safe.Complications include procedural and allergy(dyes etc), clots, stenosis.
2)Bleeding, rupture and emergency complications
3)Though we have taken care of heart and kidney what about the carotid which supplies the brain ?
4)Life quality with 5 stents in the heart ....?
The answers to these are not given by cardiologist prior to the operation.When a stent complication will occur and we take dad to hospital he will say yes, this is a complication of stent.So we are taken down the dark alley and circumstances then get a superior hand !
How did wisdom come into this ?
Simple anyone will say 5stents are too much ! Secondly even with a major surgery and no complication surgery -chances of brain clot/ stroke remains. Its like stitching up one end to reveal another.Also the chances of formation of clots from the stent is also there. So are we increasing the risk or decreasing ?
Life would become in and out of hospitals for him and me. Is this what we want ?
Actually what happened was that because his major arteries were blocked his COLLATERALS picked up.Like if our main road is blocked there are always these small lanes through which we can go.Its gods way of ensuring a planB for the heart.Our heart can get blood supply and manage well with it provided the hearts capacity is enhanced/optimized by regular walks.Probably all our old grandfathers did it that way.They had no cardiologists to scare them and no USG to confuse them.
Wise Old People.!
Friday, 10 May 2013
Only Homeopathy For Rheumatoid Arthritis
Our body is a wonderful machine ! Not only is it flexible and adaptive it is also inbuilt to bear many insults over a long period of time. How else can one explain the knees of obese person or stomach of a person eating spicy food day in and day out ? Same goes for RA or rheumatoid arthritis.
If you study any patient with RA you can easily spot the long duration of stress, the mind and body trying to deal with it, the beginning of mild signs and symtoms and finally the joint pain or fever. There are many months more of pain, fever, distress till finally the structure of the small joints(fingers of hand mostly) begin to get affected and deformity takes place. Also along the way if patient manages to deal with stress/emotions etc then there is also a self healing that can take place. Or if one starts homeopathy reversal can occur. What more do we need?
When our body has taken this long to get RA should not we give some time to homeopathy to help us get back our original self ? Simply because the body is made that way-takes time to fall sick and takes time to recover. If it is sick it is now unable to cope with it on its own and needs some help.
RA is an auto-immune disorder. We have an inbuilt mechanism where the body cells are able to understand an enemy or foreign cell/organism from the cells of its own body.This is important because the body will destroy foreign cell (like virus). In stress/ prolonged illness many times this gets disturbed and our cells start destroying our own cells-much like fight with our own family members.So its not infection but our body -system error. Naturally if this error has occurred means that body ( and mind) have tried all methods to cope with stress or issues or genes and failed.
Which pathy can now re-pair this to its earlier status ? Though you may empty the bucket that is filling the actual resolution is to close the tap or else the bucket will fill again and the matter is not solved.
No matter what is done RA takes time but homeopathy can save your joints from getting deformed, improve your genes so that the chances of your children getting it is reduced.Any homeopath will tell you that they have good results for RA-true. Thats cos we have effective medicines for all the facets of RA-acute,chronic,subacute.
So who generally get RA. No doubt genes are imp and hence if its in the family your chances are higher but there are other things as well. The mental sensitivity of these people is very high. Comments, spoken words affect them to a great level and seem to remain with them causing a kind of toxicity of the system.To change for them is very difficult, they are rigid, high moral code and go into guilt also easily.
Recovery is gradual but stopping the illness in its track is fast and almost immediate. They have to be with their homeopath for long and more flexible they become, more de-sensitised faster they improve.
I always say MIND is the BOSS of the body. do you agree.?
If you study any patient with RA you can easily spot the long duration of stress, the mind and body trying to deal with it, the beginning of mild signs and symtoms and finally the joint pain or fever. There are many months more of pain, fever, distress till finally the structure of the small joints(fingers of hand mostly) begin to get affected and deformity takes place. Also along the way if patient manages to deal with stress/emotions etc then there is also a self healing that can take place. Or if one starts homeopathy reversal can occur. What more do we need?
When our body has taken this long to get RA should not we give some time to homeopathy to help us get back our original self ? Simply because the body is made that way-takes time to fall sick and takes time to recover. If it is sick it is now unable to cope with it on its own and needs some help.
RA is an auto-immune disorder. We have an inbuilt mechanism where the body cells are able to understand an enemy or foreign cell/organism from the cells of its own body.This is important because the body will destroy foreign cell (like virus). In stress/ prolonged illness many times this gets disturbed and our cells start destroying our own cells-much like fight with our own family members.So its not infection but our body -system error. Naturally if this error has occurred means that body ( and mind) have tried all methods to cope with stress or issues or genes and failed.
Which pathy can now re-pair this to its earlier status ? Though you may empty the bucket that is filling the actual resolution is to close the tap or else the bucket will fill again and the matter is not solved.
No matter what is done RA takes time but homeopathy can save your joints from getting deformed, improve your genes so that the chances of your children getting it is reduced.Any homeopath will tell you that they have good results for RA-true. Thats cos we have effective medicines for all the facets of RA-acute,chronic,subacute.
So who generally get RA. No doubt genes are imp and hence if its in the family your chances are higher but there are other things as well. The mental sensitivity of these people is very high. Comments, spoken words affect them to a great level and seem to remain with them causing a kind of toxicity of the system.To change for them is very difficult, they are rigid, high moral code and go into guilt also easily.
Recovery is gradual but stopping the illness in its track is fast and almost immediate. They have to be with their homeopath for long and more flexible they become, more de-sensitised faster they improve.
I always say MIND is the BOSS of the body. do you agree.?
Wednesday, 17 April 2013
Vitiligo- Easy For Homeopathy
What did Michael Jackson do for his vitiligo ? He definitely did not try homeopathy-the one sure treatment for vitiligo. Strange, how this gap in knowledge affect even the greatest celebraties...
Vitiligo is the depigmentation of skin due to which the difference in skin color can be easily spotted. It has tremendous social implications as it involves areas that are always exposed-eyes, nose, face,hands etc.In India it was heavily stigmatized even 20yrs back when I got my first case of vitiligo.
Why does it happen ? There are cells in our skin that gives color to the skin-called melanocytes. In vitiligo they either die or loose their function.This happens because of reasons like-viral-virus directly killing them.Or autoimmune response-our own body cells kill them(by mistake or wrongly) during stress or reasons in which our immune response is affected. Or these are hidden genes responsible for them dying. Suffice to say things go wrong and our melanocytes become defunct and we get vitiligo.
Why homeopathy is the best for vitiligo ?
1)Look closely to the causes-viral, autoimmune, genetic-look like deep rooted causes which needs to be addressed properly. Its a laugh-these creams and lotions that are advertised. If they had worked we would probably not have Michael Jackson with it.If its caused by a gene -how will external cream help? I mean really help ?
2)Homeopathy is known to give good results in autoimmune disorders-like RA(rheumatoid arthritis) ,UC(ulcerative colitis),Psoriasis--since it addresses at a deeper level.
How ? Homeopathy treats the person not the disease.So after studying the person we get to the root of the problem as to why has the autoimmunity gone hay ware ? Why have the genes become dominant ? Or why have the virus affected in such a way. Medicines are given so that function of melanocytes is put back on track. The dead melanocytes cannot become alive but the nearby cells can be optimized so that enough colour is produced to make the skin appear normal.
Yes its a long process and swift results are possible if person takes homoepathy the moment the lesion appears-which are generally small. Though large patches also respond but the time taken is more and people often give-up midway.
Most homeopaths will boast about treating vitiligo when there is nothing to talk home about.Its all in a days work for homeopaths-albeit an experienced one.
Would like to impress upon people that in a way vitiligo is pretty much harmless and even untreated is not dangerous.However it has social implications and hence it has gained prominence.
Go for homeopathy for this without any doubts at all !
Vitiligo is the depigmentation of skin due to which the difference in skin color can be easily spotted. It has tremendous social implications as it involves areas that are always exposed-eyes, nose, face,hands etc.In India it was heavily stigmatized even 20yrs back when I got my first case of vitiligo.
Why does it happen ? There are cells in our skin that gives color to the skin-called melanocytes. In vitiligo they either die or loose their function.This happens because of reasons like-viral-virus directly killing them.Or autoimmune response-our own body cells kill them(by mistake or wrongly) during stress or reasons in which our immune response is affected. Or these are hidden genes responsible for them dying. Suffice to say things go wrong and our melanocytes become defunct and we get vitiligo.
Why homeopathy is the best for vitiligo ?
1)Look closely to the causes-viral, autoimmune, genetic-look like deep rooted causes which needs to be addressed properly. Its a laugh-these creams and lotions that are advertised. If they had worked we would probably not have Michael Jackson with it.If its caused by a gene -how will external cream help? I mean really help ?
2)Homeopathy is known to give good results in autoimmune disorders-like RA(rheumatoid arthritis) ,UC(ulcerative colitis),Psoriasis--since it addresses at a deeper level.
How ? Homeopathy treats the person not the disease.So after studying the person we get to the root of the problem as to why has the autoimmunity gone hay ware ? Why have the genes become dominant ? Or why have the virus affected in such a way. Medicines are given so that function of melanocytes is put back on track. The dead melanocytes cannot become alive but the nearby cells can be optimized so that enough colour is produced to make the skin appear normal.
Yes its a long process and swift results are possible if person takes homoepathy the moment the lesion appears-which are generally small. Though large patches also respond but the time taken is more and people often give-up midway.
Most homeopaths will boast about treating vitiligo when there is nothing to talk home about.Its all in a days work for homeopaths-albeit an experienced one.
Would like to impress upon people that in a way vitiligo is pretty much harmless and even untreated is not dangerous.However it has social implications and hence it has gained prominence.
Go for homeopathy for this without any doubts at all !
Sunday, 7 April 2013
How you gain more from homeopathic management of your blood pressure ?
Its World Health Day today and the focus is on hypertension or high blood pressure. We are all familiar with raised blood pressure as we have seen our parents or grandparents taking pills for BP. Currently there has been such a surge of raised blood pressure among the young that its a little worrying. The life-style and stress -both at home and office is taking its toll. We have raised pressure in below 30yrs and heart attacks by 35yrs. Why is the focus of WHO(world health organisation) on blood pressure ?
The allopathic medicine is well versed in BP-has a range of medicines, big pharmas are into it, people know about it , still not very expensive and works fairly well -so why should anybody think of homeopathy at all.?
Here is how you gain more and better from homeopathy-
1) All said and done BP is a chronic problem and hence medication is long. Homeopathy is safe and without any side-effects. Many times problems arise more from the side effects of the medication in allopathy than BP itself.
2) Homeopathy can effectively prevent dialysis which is a complication of prolonged BP.Dialysis is expensive and painful and reduces the quality of life greatly
3) Many times one sees that only during stress the BP rises and after the crises comes down on its own.In such cases the allopathic medicines obstruct smooth functioning of the body.
4)Homeopathy has good medicines to prevent paralysis/stroke in long standing cases of BP.
5)Homeopaths help in counseling which helps to bring down BP
Better medicines are those that help our own body's mechanism to heal itself.It preserves our body and only minimum medicines should be used to put our body back in action. These are in alignment with the laws of nature and there is no suppression.
More important is how and which medicines we use are also going to determine and design our genes which we are going to pass-on to our children.If that is so should not we be more careful and concerned about our medication ? what would you say ?
The allopathic medicine is well versed in BP-has a range of medicines, big pharmas are into it, people know about it , still not very expensive and works fairly well -so why should anybody think of homeopathy at all.?
Here is how you gain more and better from homeopathy-
1) All said and done BP is a chronic problem and hence medication is long. Homeopathy is safe and without any side-effects. Many times problems arise more from the side effects of the medication in allopathy than BP itself.
2) Homeopathy can effectively prevent dialysis which is a complication of prolonged BP.Dialysis is expensive and painful and reduces the quality of life greatly
3) Many times one sees that only during stress the BP rises and after the crises comes down on its own.In such cases the allopathic medicines obstruct smooth functioning of the body.
4)Homeopathy has good medicines to prevent paralysis/stroke in long standing cases of BP.
5)Homeopaths help in counseling which helps to bring down BP
Better medicines are those that help our own body's mechanism to heal itself.It preserves our body and only minimum medicines should be used to put our body back in action. These are in alignment with the laws of nature and there is no suppression.
More important is how and which medicines we use are also going to determine and design our genes which we are going to pass-on to our children.If that is so should not we be more careful and concerned about our medication ? what would you say ?
Tuesday, 26 March 2013
5 reasons why you should have a Homeopathic Kit
I remember when we were on holidays in this exotic place,serene,quiet which boasted of one fish eatery. My son ate the fish here and promptly went into loose-motions and almost collapsed.I went and checked my kit which had the medicine I needed--and by evening he was fine!
The idea of a homeopathic kit is designed to address the small emergencies that can be dealt with before the doctor arrives. Frequent use of kits empowers the user to have an efficient tool with him to deal with his health problems.In clinics we give designer kits so that the medicines which have worked for the patient and his family members are included.The different types of kits work for different problems which the user/patient is susceptible to.Like I made a designer kit for someone in which I included a medicine for burping or one for an old lady who had vertigo.General kits will have the common problems-acidity,constipation,headache,cold, sinus etc.Kids kit will have cold,cough,fever, dentitional medicines.There are first-aid kits, child kits, piles kits, womens kits etc
First-aid Kits are rather more popular since they come handy for travel, adventure,camping and kids.Another advantage is that since they have been used earlier the result is guaranteed which cannot be said of allopathic medicines as they are available in different brands in different countries.It includes this wonderful Calendula which surgeons use to treat surgery cuts--it heals heavenly and promotes so much of granulation tissue that its a must in cuts and wounds.Medicines to treat your aches and pains, sprains, swellings due to falls, burns, insect bites,allergic rashes.
pics at
Womens kits are mainly for their menstrual complaints, pregnancies and delivery and complaints like vomitting etc.
Kits for senior citizens are for aches and pains, joint complaints and frequent urinations and prostrate complaints-it gives them dignity.
Always Safe: No matter in which place you are you have some medicine to deal with small problems that may come.Makes you feel safe and equipped at night, on trains or flights.
Complete Care: Kits for piles have creams included to take complete care of your problem.
Cost-Effective:There is no need to spend time at the waiting rooms to meet doctor for small reasons or problems.Kit goes a long way to solve this problem.
Frequent Use: Can be used safely for some single problem repeatedly without side-effects and over a long period of time.
Psychological Support: Its often the satisfaction of taking something for our problem that gives us immense satisfaction and relief.The power of this cannot be emphasised more.
It is known that queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles dont go anywhere without their homeopathic Kit !
The idea of a homeopathic kit is designed to address the small emergencies that can be dealt with before the doctor arrives. Frequent use of kits empowers the user to have an efficient tool with him to deal with his health problems.In clinics we give designer kits so that the medicines which have worked for the patient and his family members are included.The different types of kits work for different problems which the user/patient is susceptible to.Like I made a designer kit for someone in which I included a medicine for burping or one for an old lady who had vertigo.General kits will have the common problems-acidity,constipation,headache,cold, sinus etc.Kids kit will have cold,cough,fever, dentitional medicines.There are first-aid kits, child kits, piles kits, womens kits etc
First-aid Kits are rather more popular since they come handy for travel, adventure,camping and kids.Another advantage is that since they have been used earlier the result is guaranteed which cannot be said of allopathic medicines as they are available in different brands in different countries.It includes this wonderful Calendula which surgeons use to treat surgery cuts--it heals heavenly and promotes so much of granulation tissue that its a must in cuts and wounds.Medicines to treat your aches and pains, sprains, swellings due to falls, burns, insect bites,allergic rashes.
pics at
Womens kits are mainly for their menstrual complaints, pregnancies and delivery and complaints like vomitting etc.
Kits for senior citizens are for aches and pains, joint complaints and frequent urinations and prostrate complaints-it gives them dignity.
Always Safe: No matter in which place you are you have some medicine to deal with small problems that may come.Makes you feel safe and equipped at night, on trains or flights.
Complete Care: Kits for piles have creams included to take complete care of your problem.
Cost-Effective:There is no need to spend time at the waiting rooms to meet doctor for small reasons or problems.Kit goes a long way to solve this problem.
Frequent Use: Can be used safely for some single problem repeatedly without side-effects and over a long period of time.
Psychological Support: Its often the satisfaction of taking something for our problem that gives us immense satisfaction and relief.The power of this cannot be emphasised more.
It is known that queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles dont go anywhere without their homeopathic Kit !
Monday, 18 March 2013
Best Gift For Your Parents-Good Joints !
Prevalence of joint pain is cause of concern in many countries.In India alone there are 56% of elderly suffering from OA(osteoarthritis or age-related arthritis) and between 17-60 % of all people.In the USA a whopping 36% of all people suffer from chronic joint pain and Japan has 70% people with joint pains.
The concern is because it causes chronic pain which is draining and tiresome state to be in.Anything robbing you of your movement should get due attention-because MOVEMENT IS LIFE.
Let me see -now the most common joint problems are RA-rhuematoid arthritis, OA- osteoarthritis, gout and others.Others may include all-infective or septic, psoriatic knee etc which though common are not that frequently encountered.
Ideally speaking for all these-RA,OA and gout homeopathy is a better option.
RA-rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder means there is a failure in recognizing self (and hence an immune response gets generated against self) and generation of response or fight.Normally this does not happen -these responses occur under perceived threat or enemy within our body.So there are no organisms involved.Hence allopathy options are limited.Homeopathy triggers the bodies own healing powers to correct these responses.Mostly affects the young people and forms deformities which homeopathy can prevent.Cases completely bed-ridden due to RA have recovered. Another aspect is the hold-on-to negative feelings that are often encountered in these patients which homeopaths address.
Gout is the affections of joints due to elevated levels of uric-acid levels.Besides diet etc we need to change the mode of the body.Why is the kidney not able to excrete uric-acid ? Many reasons contribute
Hence a multi-dimentional activity is recommended for gout
With all this we can only say that at best its an unsatisfactory method of treatment.
Homeopathy gives pain relief and wholistically treats it. Known to give lesser episodes and treat more deeply.Or at least provide palliative relief safely as there are no side effects and can be taken over a long period of time.
The best to respond is OA-osteoarthritis-aging joint pain.Its a degenerative joint problem where the changes in the joints are due to aging and are not reversible.Here nothing helps better than homeopathy -the pain is gone and your old man is ready to walk and hop.The treatment may be short(4-6wk) and he can be on maintainance dose which do him good.The joints do not deteriorate -which they would-and can remain good for few years and more if you are regular with homeopathy.
Small thing to do to keep them mobile wont you say ?
The concern is because it causes chronic pain which is draining and tiresome state to be in.Anything robbing you of your movement should get due attention-because MOVEMENT IS LIFE.
Let me see -now the most common joint problems are RA-rhuematoid arthritis, OA- osteoarthritis, gout and others.Others may include all-infective or septic, psoriatic knee etc which though common are not that frequently encountered.
Ideally speaking for all these-RA,OA and gout homeopathy is a better option.
RA-rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder means there is a failure in recognizing self (and hence an immune response gets generated against self) and generation of response or fight.Normally this does not happen -these responses occur under perceived threat or enemy within our body.So there are no organisms involved.Hence allopathy options are limited.Homeopathy triggers the bodies own healing powers to correct these responses.Mostly affects the young people and forms deformities which homeopathy can prevent.Cases completely bed-ridden due to RA have recovered. Another aspect is the hold-on-to negative feelings that are often encountered in these patients which homeopaths address.
Gout is the affections of joints due to elevated levels of uric-acid levels.Besides diet etc we need to change the mode of the body.Why is the kidney not able to excrete uric-acid ? Many reasons contribute
Hence a multi-dimentional activity is recommended for gout
With all this we can only say that at best its an unsatisfactory method of treatment.
Homeopathy gives pain relief and wholistically treats it. Known to give lesser episodes and treat more deeply.Or at least provide palliative relief safely as there are no side effects and can be taken over a long period of time.
The best to respond is OA-osteoarthritis-aging joint pain.Its a degenerative joint problem where the changes in the joints are due to aging and are not reversible.Here nothing helps better than homeopathy -the pain is gone and your old man is ready to walk and hop.The treatment may be short(4-6wk) and he can be on maintainance dose which do him good.The joints do not deteriorate -which they would-and can remain good for few years and more if you are regular with homeopathy.
Small thing to do to keep them mobile wont you say ?
Wednesday, 6 March 2013
How your skin rash will respond better with homeopathy.
The hectic pace of life today gives no time to attend to the small things that keep happening in our life.The rash that appeared the other day just before the meeting.and went away all by itself.It would have even missed being noticed had it not been for the meeting.
Skin is the one of the most abused organ I feel.Because anything on the skin has to immediately go away-seems very frustrating when it does not.India being a social place we are always meeting some-one or other,people are quick to notice and quicker to comment and advice.....blah blah.So we desperately need some cream to apply and the skin to look normal.Most of my patients don't realize that they are applying steroid creams.Nobody asks nobody tells.The problem with them is they are good-very good.The skin problem vanishes just as they wished it.How good it would have been had it remained so.But it does not and hence we are at the cream again, and again.By the time it soon grows into a problem and the cream does not remain so good either.
Homeopaths want skin cases to come early to them so that we can give faster results and patient finds it comfortable to continue our medicines.Oh but we almost never get them. Homeopathy will address the complaint at different levels including the family tendency to skin complaints etc.Many times stress is an important part in skin complaints like lichen planus and we go into the details of the stress and try to resolve them in way that is possible for the patient.
An irritated skin in a child can also be a reflection of family disharmony which has to be re-aligned.In many cases I have seen the discord between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law aggravating the skin complaints in child.
Excessive itching of the skin represents suppressed hostilities and feelings.In suppressed societies one cannot openly express the feelings getting generated and hence gets expressed on skin.In all such cases the itching will be disproportionate to the complaint.Like I had a child who would get severe itching at all night and would keep the mother awake-now hardly any skin complaint does that.It means that child wants mothers attention..
In a majority of cases homeopath will not give any creams or ointments unless expressively asked for because he believes them to be useless.Homeopaths will take a detailed case and work out all the factors and try to set things right.Then he would start constitutional medicines for healing it from within.Many times when the case comes in aggravated state there are medicines given for INSTANT relief along with the other.Now there is a sort of race between the disease and the medicines and only when the medicines win the case effects will start to be seen.No new spots or no increase in skin complaint is a fair response in the initial part of treatment.
Once it happens the relief is good and does not come back.Patient feels a sense of wellness and so other complaint develops.People often tell me that doctor I got rid of eczema but now I have bronchitis-this is not happy news.It is deterioration of illness from skin to bronchus.
Homeopaths are concerned about overall health, give them time ,give them faith so that they can help you better.
Do you have a skin query you want to ask ?
Wednesday, 27 February 2013
Treat Depression With Homeopathy Only
Mental illnesses and allergies dominate the health issues in this 21st century.Every 1 in 20 in USA is suffering from depression in a survey done in 2006.In India recently there was a lot of controversy about WHO declaring a 36% depression prevalence.Suffice to say we need to look at this and more so because(in India) a large percent(80%) of people do not seek medical help.
Depression in general is the low mood or down mood feel.Feelings of worthlessness, low self esteem, guilt, which last for long time can be said to be depression--say 2-3 weeks or more.Usually these are transient feeling states that come and go and can be considered normal-after a break-up,loss of near and dear ones,loss of job etc.Person picks himself up and gets going again. However many of us are not able to and continue being in this state.When this is along with reduced activity like not going out, not sleeping and not interacting with others it could be bordering on depression.Sometimes there is an obsessive element to it-like one of my patients could talk about her stools for 15minutes or there would be undue urgency /anxiety about small things.As this prolongs the body begins to respond to a sick mind with aches and pains with no pathological diagnosis.
An evaluation is required to find out the other diseases-related causes like Lyme disease, Addisons, thyroid.When these are treated depression gets treated as well and problem is solved. When no other cause is found patient is put on anti-depressants. Now its all a problem especially if no added councelling is given and there is long-term use of anti-depressants.The problems are
1)No study of the long term side-effects of these anti-depressants have been done.(imagine how we need to have to study so many depressed people on anti-depressants..)-so this could be potentially dangerous.
2) With the chemicals all in your blood you never know where you stand or how you actually are without the anti-depressants.
For me this mode of treatment seems very superficial and in general going no-where.Let alone the side-effects what do these medicines actually do? They create an artificial ambience in blood that sort of elevates your mood.They help no doubt more so in extreme cases as it prevents suicides etc but for how long--till the next pill is popped.And what about trying to correct the feeling of worthlessness ? The reasons why the person goes into this state is not addressed and hence he can go back into it.
Many times we are not doing any value addition in life and our self worth gets eroded.I call it house-wife-at-40 syndrome.The problem is not being a house-wife but being a house-wife and NOT liking house-work.Sure recipe for disaster.So we need to create pathways wherein the self-worth is increased.Or the lurking guilt-ex had this patient who was guilty of leaving his Father behind while he went abroad.He had to be told that how could he take his father when he refused?-thats life -it would actually be wrong to take him away when he did not want to.Both are right in their own ways..
Depression has more to do with how you think and how much you can cope (and taught to)with adversity,set backs.As homeopaths we look into all this and guide.The main issues are the understanding of self-person does not know that he is feeling worthless and what can be done.As a homeopath I also face difficulty in treating patients who are on anti-depressants as we never know how serious the problem is as anti-depressants mask all symtoms and person looks ok when he is NOT.
Our medicines do a wonderful job but clinical understanding is important and the homeopath has to be vigilant in treating such cases.There should be gradual reduction of anti-depressants after our medicines have contributed significantly to the case and there is improvement in the reasons that got him into it in the first place.
If not treated at all borderline depression is not a problem at all but homeopathic consulting and treatment is required so that it does not happen again.Depression is notorious for recurrence and these recurrences then will have genetic effect which we then call family tendency.We can help stop this...
watch this video
Depression in general is the low mood or down mood feel.Feelings of worthlessness, low self esteem, guilt, which last for long time can be said to be depression--say 2-3 weeks or more.Usually these are transient feeling states that come and go and can be considered normal-after a break-up,loss of near and dear ones,loss of job etc.Person picks himself up and gets going again. However many of us are not able to and continue being in this state.When this is along with reduced activity like not going out, not sleeping and not interacting with others it could be bordering on depression.Sometimes there is an obsessive element to it-like one of my patients could talk about her stools for 15minutes or there would be undue urgency /anxiety about small things.As this prolongs the body begins to respond to a sick mind with aches and pains with no pathological diagnosis.
An evaluation is required to find out the other diseases-related causes like Lyme disease, Addisons, thyroid.When these are treated depression gets treated as well and problem is solved. When no other cause is found patient is put on anti-depressants. Now its all a problem especially if no added councelling is given and there is long-term use of anti-depressants.The problems are
1)No study of the long term side-effects of these anti-depressants have been done.(imagine how we need to have to study so many depressed people on anti-depressants..)-so this could be potentially dangerous.
2) With the chemicals all in your blood you never know where you stand or how you actually are without the anti-depressants.
For me this mode of treatment seems very superficial and in general going no-where.Let alone the side-effects what do these medicines actually do? They create an artificial ambience in blood that sort of elevates your mood.They help no doubt more so in extreme cases as it prevents suicides etc but for how long--till the next pill is popped.And what about trying to correct the feeling of worthlessness ? The reasons why the person goes into this state is not addressed and hence he can go back into it.
Many times we are not doing any value addition in life and our self worth gets eroded.I call it house-wife-at-40 syndrome.The problem is not being a house-wife but being a house-wife and NOT liking house-work.Sure recipe for disaster.So we need to create pathways wherein the self-worth is increased.Or the lurking guilt-ex had this patient who was guilty of leaving his Father behind while he went abroad.He had to be told that how could he take his father when he refused?-thats life -it would actually be wrong to take him away when he did not want to.Both are right in their own ways..
Depression has more to do with how you think and how much you can cope (and taught to)with adversity,set backs.As homeopaths we look into all this and guide.The main issues are the understanding of self-person does not know that he is feeling worthless and what can be done.As a homeopath I also face difficulty in treating patients who are on anti-depressants as we never know how serious the problem is as anti-depressants mask all symtoms and person looks ok when he is NOT.
Our medicines do a wonderful job but clinical understanding is important and the homeopath has to be vigilant in treating such cases.There should be gradual reduction of anti-depressants after our medicines have contributed significantly to the case and there is improvement in the reasons that got him into it in the first place.
If not treated at all borderline depression is not a problem at all but homeopathic consulting and treatment is required so that it does not happen again.Depression is notorious for recurrence and these recurrences then will have genetic effect which we then call family tendency.We can help stop this...
watch this video
Sunday, 24 February 2013
Should You Be On Asthmatic Inhalers ?
Somehow I have always felt that using asthmatic inhalers is a compromised life.Its like you need to have it with you where-ever you go and in which-ever mood you are.Imagine a funfilled evening with friends and you go out for dinner and life is so good and suddenly someone near smokes and you get discomfort and realize that you have not taken your inhaler for the day. What a dampener ! Or your kid goes for picnic and forgets to take it..Sometimes the solution to the problem is more a pain than the problem.
Asthmatics feel that this is such a problem that it does not go away.The inhalers have to be used often for many years. On a continous basis. Over a period of time the content of the inhalers change from simple dilators to steroid based.The person is at mercy of every allergen possible and looks vulnerable when in spams.I would prefer fever, surgery any day.At least its over. Asthma has a nagging feel, ready to pop up every time and takes away lifes good moments..
Yet, its not like cancer and hence you dont have peoples sympathy as such unless you are in acute state.
You have to be careful of food no prawns, coloured items,weather-not too cold, or rainy.Not too stressed or emotional no exams no diwali crackers no holi colours.
After all thos there still the severe episode where you need tp be hospitalised because nothing seems to work. Inspite of the inhalers.
Asthma is a problem because it has triggers at various levels and often those types over which we have little control.There are body-triggers like food, mind and emotional triggers like stress, and uncontrolable triggers like weather.It is the heightened sensitivity at the level of mind and body.And a strange obstinacy in nature.Its a deadly mix.Like many get an episode with cold-drinks and most of them will love to have cold-drinks and will continue to have it.
Wholistic treatment is given by homeopathy.It improves the immunity so that the effect of allergens decraese.There is recognition of the stress situation and resolving them so that patient can cope better with them.Constitutional medicines help them to deal with weather changes and overall health status.The acute episodes decrease and my patient has never been hospitalised. Still at times it seems that it is lurking ready to pop up....
Asthmatics feel that this is such a problem that it does not go away.The inhalers have to be used often for many years. On a continous basis. Over a period of time the content of the inhalers change from simple dilators to steroid based.The person is at mercy of every allergen possible and looks vulnerable when in spams.I would prefer fever, surgery any day.At least its over. Asthma has a nagging feel, ready to pop up every time and takes away lifes good moments..
Yet, its not like cancer and hence you dont have peoples sympathy as such unless you are in acute state.
You have to be careful of food no prawns, coloured items,weather-not too cold, or rainy.Not too stressed or emotional no exams no diwali crackers no holi colours.
After all thos there still the severe episode where you need tp be hospitalised because nothing seems to work. Inspite of the inhalers.
Asthma is a problem because it has triggers at various levels and often those types over which we have little control.There are body-triggers like food, mind and emotional triggers like stress, and uncontrolable triggers like weather.It is the heightened sensitivity at the level of mind and body.And a strange obstinacy in nature.Its a deadly mix.Like many get an episode with cold-drinks and most of them will love to have cold-drinks and will continue to have it.
Wholistic treatment is given by homeopathy.It improves the immunity so that the effect of allergens decraese.There is recognition of the stress situation and resolving them so that patient can cope better with them.Constitutional medicines help them to deal with weather changes and overall health status.The acute episodes decrease and my patient has never been hospitalised. Still at times it seems that it is lurking ready to pop up....
Wednesday, 20 February 2013
Glowing Skin With Homeopathy
Skin is the mirror of the body.It represents how you look after yourself,your body,your food,your toxins and your happiness. Yes, even your mind state. I say this with many years of work and interactions with people with severe acne,spots,discolouration etc.Of course like a lot of other things your genes play a good role but one cannot just sit down and say -its my genes !
Homeopathys only advantage is the wholistic view it takes for all complaints including our humble acne/pimples. The homeopath if he is like me will irritate you endlessly with questions to treat you better.Many patients ask me "what has all this to do with my pimples?" But it has and rarely i find a patient without any cause as we like to call it.
Homeopath will first ask you about your oily food intake, water intake, eating habits.Are you in stress situation, unhappy about your boyfriend,husband ,mother-in-law?She will narrow down on the conflict and suggest ways to resolve them. In short remove all the maintaining causes that affect your health.
She will also guide you with your food-habits ,your favourite fancies ect.
As a doctor I first check out the dandruff issue.Most of the time the eruptions on face and skin are because of dandruff.There are effective homeopathic medicines for the most obstinate dandruff. Acne medicines in homeopathy are different depending upon their location,size,colour,pus,scarring. Discolouration or patches on face after pregnancy or during menopause can be treated. I treat warts and moles with deep-rooted homeopathic medicines so that they do not come back.We often see recurrences with the allopathic cauterization methods.
Importance is given to chronic diseases the patient is suffering from like diabetes since these chronic diseases have to be treated for a healthy body. Diagnosis is crucial in cases of women suffering from PCOD which throws up severe acne which do not respond to anything.When the menses become regular they ebb away.
All white patches or coloured patches on skin need to be diagnosed and then treated by homeopathy.I send my patients to dermatologists if I am unclear in diagnosing a skin condition as the various forms can be confusing and there are times when even a dermatologists will also ask for biopsy.External applications should be used sparingly and avoid steroids.
Walking 20 minutes daily is what i recommend once you get a great looking glowing skin.
Do you think homeopathy will help your skin ?
Homeopathys only advantage is the wholistic view it takes for all complaints including our humble acne/pimples. The homeopath if he is like me will irritate you endlessly with questions to treat you better.Many patients ask me "what has all this to do with my pimples?" But it has and rarely i find a patient without any cause as we like to call it.
Homeopath will first ask you about your oily food intake, water intake, eating habits.Are you in stress situation, unhappy about your boyfriend,husband ,mother-in-law?She will narrow down on the conflict and suggest ways to resolve them. In short remove all the maintaining causes that affect your health.
She will also guide you with your food-habits ,your favourite fancies ect.
As a doctor I first check out the dandruff issue.Most of the time the eruptions on face and skin are because of dandruff.There are effective homeopathic medicines for the most obstinate dandruff. Acne medicines in homeopathy are different depending upon their location,size,colour,pus,scarring. Discolouration or patches on face after pregnancy or during menopause can be treated. I treat warts and moles with deep-rooted homeopathic medicines so that they do not come back.We often see recurrences with the allopathic cauterization methods.
Importance is given to chronic diseases the patient is suffering from like diabetes since these chronic diseases have to be treated for a healthy body. Diagnosis is crucial in cases of women suffering from PCOD which throws up severe acne which do not respond to anything.When the menses become regular they ebb away.
All white patches or coloured patches on skin need to be diagnosed and then treated by homeopathy.I send my patients to dermatologists if I am unclear in diagnosing a skin condition as the various forms can be confusing and there are times when even a dermatologists will also ask for biopsy.External applications should be used sparingly and avoid steroids.
Walking 20 minutes daily is what i recommend once you get a great looking glowing skin.
Do you think homeopathy will help your skin ?
Sunday, 17 February 2013
Why Homeopathy Helps Where Allopathy Can't
The core of the reply to this question lies in the mode of action. Allopathy directly attacks the enemy(germs) and destroys them.Homeopathy actually triggers our bodies own defense system to kill the enemy.This triggering of the body's defense is a natural process only triggered by homeopathic medicines(also yoga).It is believed to be brought about by a complex process and relies on bodys self healing properties.
The body has a wonderful mechanism and inbuilt system to regulate all the functions.It has defense system in place.In many circumstances even if no medicines are taken the body can fight and regain health.We give homeopathic medicines only to hasten the effect and ensure the results.For ex if we do not give any medicines in measles it takes its course and goes away-but with homeopathic medicines we ensure that the cough which is a complication of measles does not happen, or pneumonia does not occur.
Allopathic medicines are dependent on diagnosis.Many times due to various reasons a diagnosis is not clear or doubtful hence allopathy does not help.
Allopathy is good for infections as there is a well-established anti-biotics.But in allergies, in viral conditions, irritaions there are no medicines.Most medicines given at those times are simple supplements or symtomatic creams etc which do not help much as they are superficial.Another area is the auto-immune diseases like rhuematoid arthritis --where the cells have a problem in recognising own body cell.It wrongly thinks they are enemy and begins to destroy them.There is precious little in allopathy for this.Growths like warts,corns,in growing toe-nails have nothing in allopathy.
Besides this once a complaint becomes chronic its difficult for the allopathic medicines to work as one has to consider the side-effects with prolonged use.Even in hypertention,diabetes the allopathic medicines only suppress-had it been very effective we would not have complications like kidney failure and stroke/paralysis.
Surgery is neither allopathy nor homeopathy.Surgery is removal of a part and if any tissue is badly infected it has to be removed.Its a different section in the treatment stage.
Homeopathy has a wider scope in treatment because it allows the body to take lead in curing.Each body is different and knows itself well so chances are better for improvement.However if the changes in body are far advanced and cannot be reversed body cannot do much (like in advanced cancer) and hence homeopathy cannot help much.There is one more situation when its difficult for homeopathy to help-when symtoms are few.Since homeopathy is based on symtoms which medicine to select to trigger a particular body can become difficult.It is for this that you need a experienced homeopath!
Unlock and trigger each body for better health -Make homeopathy your 1st choice.
The body has a wonderful mechanism and inbuilt system to regulate all the functions.It has defense system in place.In many circumstances even if no medicines are taken the body can fight and regain health.We give homeopathic medicines only to hasten the effect and ensure the results.For ex if we do not give any medicines in measles it takes its course and goes away-but with homeopathic medicines we ensure that the cough which is a complication of measles does not happen, or pneumonia does not occur.
Allopathic medicines are dependent on diagnosis.Many times due to various reasons a diagnosis is not clear or doubtful hence allopathy does not help.
Allopathy is good for infections as there is a well-established anti-biotics.But in allergies, in viral conditions, irritaions there are no medicines.Most medicines given at those times are simple supplements or symtomatic creams etc which do not help much as they are superficial.Another area is the auto-immune diseases like rhuematoid arthritis --where the cells have a problem in recognising own body cell.It wrongly thinks they are enemy and begins to destroy them.There is precious little in allopathy for this.Growths like warts,corns,in growing toe-nails have nothing in allopathy.
Besides this once a complaint becomes chronic its difficult for the allopathic medicines to work as one has to consider the side-effects with prolonged use.Even in hypertention,diabetes the allopathic medicines only suppress-had it been very effective we would not have complications like kidney failure and stroke/paralysis.
Surgery is neither allopathy nor homeopathy.Surgery is removal of a part and if any tissue is badly infected it has to be removed.Its a different section in the treatment stage.
Homeopathy has a wider scope in treatment because it allows the body to take lead in curing.Each body is different and knows itself well so chances are better for improvement.However if the changes in body are far advanced and cannot be reversed body cannot do much (like in advanced cancer) and hence homeopathy cannot help much.There is one more situation when its difficult for homeopathy to help-when symtoms are few.Since homeopathy is based on symtoms which medicine to select to trigger a particular body can become difficult.It is for this that you need a experienced homeopath!
Unlock and trigger each body for better health -Make homeopathy your 1st choice.
Wednesday, 13 February 2013
7 Powerful Steps To Reduce Stress
Stress as we know it is different for different people.For some childrens exams leads to stress, for some a presentation in office, an impending decision, relationships etc.Circumstances that lead to stress are our weak points and we need to look at them.Sometimes a long-gone mis-understood situation creates unhappiness and stress as its unresolved-I once had a patient who as a child was kept with grandparents since they could not afford to keep him.He kept telling me that they did not love him-I told him they loved you so much that inspite of their love and attachment for you they kept him with grandparents so that he could get good life(other evidences for this were present but he did not see).
Stress will always be there in life for everyone.How we deal with it is important inorder to be happy.Even during stress one needs to be capable so that our health is maintained.Also our relationships.It helps to keep our body is a relaxed state and allows medicines(if you take) to work.Engagement with stress and thoughts are important.
Here are 7 steps to reduce any stress-works everytime that I have seen
1)You-what are you? Answer simply and openly-are you shy, greedy, with low self esteem, rash,loud-all these are perfectly ok. Everyone has a fault.But you should know whats yours-look out for what people say about you or ask.So if you are shy-of course a presentation will stress you.No problem -today i have stress since i have a presentation.I believe no sane person will not give you work just because you did not present it well.Your work should speak for itself.
2)Situation-sometimes there is going to be stress and its nobodys fault since the situation or circumstance is so powerful.Getting married to a man who has kids.You and kids--it cant be easy no matter how hard you try.If you know you are better.
3)What can you do? Always try to find out what you can do and go ahead and do it.Dont let egos come in the way-instead of why should i-why shouldnt i ?Doing something helps reduce stress and you can face yourself better--you tried.
4)What you cannot do? In a traffic jam...RELAX-put on the music.Many other situations where if the other person refuses to understand you cant do anything.Wait patiently for the penny to drop...
5)Can you accept it-why not? If your son wants to marry someone why cant you accept it? Can you do anything meaningful to set it right? Is it your ego thats not accepting, social status, your so called mothers love? Nothing should occupy centre space than every persons happiness.Give space for others to do what they want children included and reduce stress.
6)Learn to live with it-I had a friend who has a gay son and when she finally realised that its not some whim she gave time and has accepted it and learned to live.Not easy but FLEXIBILITY reduces stress
7)The best way is to thank for what you have.A job,home,loving husband,hands,legs,eyes -all that many people will anything to have.
Then aint you lucky ?
Stress will always be there in life for everyone.How we deal with it is important inorder to be happy.Even during stress one needs to be capable so that our health is maintained.Also our relationships.It helps to keep our body is a relaxed state and allows medicines(if you take) to work.Engagement with stress and thoughts are important.
Here are 7 steps to reduce any stress-works everytime that I have seen
1)You-what are you? Answer simply and openly-are you shy, greedy, with low self esteem, rash,loud-all these are perfectly ok. Everyone has a fault.But you should know whats yours-look out for what people say about you or ask.So if you are shy-of course a presentation will stress you.No problem -today i have stress since i have a presentation.I believe no sane person will not give you work just because you did not present it well.Your work should speak for itself.
2)Situation-sometimes there is going to be stress and its nobodys fault since the situation or circumstance is so powerful.Getting married to a man who has kids.You and kids--it cant be easy no matter how hard you try.If you know you are better.
3)What can you do? Always try to find out what you can do and go ahead and do it.Dont let egos come in the way-instead of why should i-why shouldnt i ?Doing something helps reduce stress and you can face yourself better--you tried.
4)What you cannot do? In a traffic jam...RELAX-put on the music.Many other situations where if the other person refuses to understand you cant do anything.Wait patiently for the penny to drop...
5)Can you accept it-why not? If your son wants to marry someone why cant you accept it? Can you do anything meaningful to set it right? Is it your ego thats not accepting, social status, your so called mothers love? Nothing should occupy centre space than every persons happiness.Give space for others to do what they want children included and reduce stress.
6)Learn to live with it-I had a friend who has a gay son and when she finally realised that its not some whim she gave time and has accepted it and learned to live.Not easy but FLEXIBILITY reduces stress
7)The best way is to thank for what you have.A job,home,loving husband,hands,legs,eyes -all that many people will anything to have.
Then aint you lucky ?
Tuesday, 12 February 2013
Fairness Creams
The market is full of fairness creams.As a nation India is obsessed with fair skin--a english hangover of the British rule in India.The imp thing is do they HELP and second is do we need them to...
There can be no thought as child-like and innocent as applying cream to make the skin fair.The melanin cells responsible for colour of skin are embedded deeply and linked to our genetic DNA.Nothing much can change it. Dont let all the advertisers fool you !
The creams help in a different way. What can a person do if he/she is unhappy with the skin? There is a need to DO something for it. (This is what the cream-makers realise). So we buy the best of creams saying to ourselves that we will have better skins. However what happens is that soon enough we are satisfied that we are doing something and switch our focus to other things-new boyfriend,exams, kids, weight etc.External applications of these type have limited results.
There has been a lot of noise in the consumer awareness forums about the so called fairness creams. Women claim that the mad rush for fair skin is unfair to coloured people in general and women in particular.But nothing much has happened. Today we find even respectable brands talking about fairness.
Heres what actually helps on long term basis
--there is something fundamentally wrong with being greatly dis-satisfied with how we are externally.Shows a low self esteem.Try to increase your worthy feeling by doing worthy work.Nothing like it
--drink plenty of water.Helps to get acne-free face much better than a fair-face.Good skin looks good fair or dark.
--eat less of junk food and plenty of non-oily food,fruits,vegetables.
--excercise open pores of skin and removes toxins.
--use less chemicals like cough syrups/ antibiotics/shampoos/creams
--homeopathic medicines helps to maintain wholistic health and better skin
There can be no thought as child-like and innocent as applying cream to make the skin fair.The melanin cells responsible for colour of skin are embedded deeply and linked to our genetic DNA.Nothing much can change it. Dont let all the advertisers fool you !
The creams help in a different way. What can a person do if he/she is unhappy with the skin? There is a need to DO something for it. (This is what the cream-makers realise). So we buy the best of creams saying to ourselves that we will have better skins. However what happens is that soon enough we are satisfied that we are doing something and switch our focus to other things-new boyfriend,exams, kids, weight etc.External applications of these type have limited results.
There has been a lot of noise in the consumer awareness forums about the so called fairness creams. Women claim that the mad rush for fair skin is unfair to coloured people in general and women in particular.But nothing much has happened. Today we find even respectable brands talking about fairness.
Heres what actually helps on long term basis
--there is something fundamentally wrong with being greatly dis-satisfied with how we are externally.Shows a low self esteem.Try to increase your worthy feeling by doing worthy work.Nothing like it
--drink plenty of water.Helps to get acne-free face much better than a fair-face.Good skin looks good fair or dark.
--eat less of junk food and plenty of non-oily food,fruits,vegetables.
--excercise open pores of skin and removes toxins.
--use less chemicals like cough syrups/ antibiotics/shampoos/creams
--homeopathic medicines helps to maintain wholistic health and better skin
Sunday, 10 February 2013
Think Before You Remove Your Uterus
More and more in my practice I am seeing women getting their utreus removed. And not feeling bad about it or even thinking twice-almost as if it is the done thing. In the semi-rural its almost like a status symbol-my utreus is removed -i belong to the hep class.More women are doing it in order to BELONG-after all everyone has removed it.
The news is that most of the time its not required to be removed.Its removed because your gynec does not seem to have any solution to your fibroids or the bleeding.There is also the arguement that it turns cancerous.Bullshit ! One in many many thousands turn and thats really no reason to have it removed.For women its just a little relief and attractive to remove it.But hold on -value yourself and your utreus.
I will address the most common reason of bleeding due to fibroids here..
Age is the most important issue.If you are under 30yrs NEVER think of removing it.Try all the other things like ayurved, homeopathy to stop bleeding.In the young the side-effects of removing utreus are intense.Also estrogen loss affects bones leading to osteoporosis --in short you age early.
If you are 40yrs again there is no need to remove utreus because fibroids(main reason for bleeding and utreus removal) stop growing as estrogen levels naturally decline.So nothing more will now happen.
More uterusus are being removed now-a-days due to easy access to hospitals, more money class and more working women and unawareness.
It should only be considered if
--the size of fibroid is large and physically pressing on other organ around it
--the bleeding does not stop with anything and Hb dips to 5 or below
--bleeding is along with other major health problems like Diabetes etc..
The news is that most of the time its not required to be removed.Its removed because your gynec does not seem to have any solution to your fibroids or the bleeding.There is also the arguement that it turns cancerous.Bullshit ! One in many many thousands turn and thats really no reason to have it removed.For women its just a little relief and attractive to remove it.But hold on -value yourself and your utreus.
I will address the most common reason of bleeding due to fibroids here..
Age is the most important issue.If you are under 30yrs NEVER think of removing it.Try all the other things like ayurved, homeopathy to stop bleeding.In the young the side-effects of removing utreus are intense.Also estrogen loss affects bones leading to osteoporosis --in short you age early.
If you are 40yrs again there is no need to remove utreus because fibroids(main reason for bleeding and utreus removal) stop growing as estrogen levels naturally decline.So nothing more will now happen.
More uterusus are being removed now-a-days due to easy access to hospitals, more money class and more working women and unawareness.
It should only be considered if
--the size of fibroid is large and physically pressing on other organ around it
--the bleeding does not stop with anything and Hb dips to 5 or below
--bleeding is along with other major health problems like Diabetes etc..
Friday, 8 February 2013
Women Osteoporosis and Menopause
All women have to grow old and all will have some osteoporosis.How much and how we deal with it will make all the difference.And its easy...
So what is this scary sounding osteoporosis-actually nothing much except the bones become soft, porous, bend and break easily. It can easily be prevented.Why does it happen and what has menopause got to do with it ?
Ok-short-since we have menses our ovaries produce estrogen(sex-hormone) which helps in preventing our body from using calcium from our bones when there is less of it in the body.Calcium is needed for many other body-functions including maintaining blood pressure.
So our bones are saved. After menopause we dont get menses and our estrogen levels fall and body starts using calcium from our bones IF the calcium levels in our body falls.This happens because as we age body"s capasity to absorb calcium from food decreases (result of the overall aging effect).
So we need to see our diet has enough calcium so that body does not need the calcium from our bones and they dont become porous and weak due to loss of calcium.Plenty of food with calcium--milk,cheese,grains,fruits-banana, custard apple(sitaphal),tofu,almonds,green leafy vegetables,herring etc.Remember Vit D also needs to be produced by body for good calcium levels(exposure to sun).
Supplements or calcium tablets are again SYNTHETIC and will only give temporary benefit.Do take it if levels are low or you are suffering from chronic disease and body is unable to cope with production.In case you prefer it then I would recommend you to take it say for some time and all the while improving your diet to include more calcium.
Problems with prolonged intake of calcium -latest research says no significant difference in women with menopause taking calcium supplements from those not taking.Too much of Calcium in blood puts load on kidney to remove them from body.Excess calcium produces stones which again have their own problems.
If all this is too much for you -make it easy for yourself- take a walk daily for 20mts 5days a wk.Eat a cup of yogurt daily or banana or almonds or cheese and forget the rest !
Remember you are getting old and body will be changing -its Ok and you really dont want to run about.Right?
So what is this scary sounding osteoporosis-actually nothing much except the bones become soft, porous, bend and break easily. It can easily be prevented.Why does it happen and what has menopause got to do with it ?
Ok-short-since we have menses our ovaries produce estrogen(sex-hormone) which helps in preventing our body from using calcium from our bones when there is less of it in the body.Calcium is needed for many other body-functions including maintaining blood pressure.
So our bones are saved. After menopause we dont get menses and our estrogen levels fall and body starts using calcium from our bones IF the calcium levels in our body falls.This happens because as we age body"s capasity to absorb calcium from food decreases (result of the overall aging effect).
So we need to see our diet has enough calcium so that body does not need the calcium from our bones and they dont become porous and weak due to loss of calcium.Plenty of food with calcium--milk,cheese,grains,fruits-banana, custard apple(sitaphal),tofu,almonds,green leafy vegetables,herring etc.Remember Vit D also needs to be produced by body for good calcium levels(exposure to sun).
Supplements or calcium tablets are again SYNTHETIC and will only give temporary benefit.Do take it if levels are low or you are suffering from chronic disease and body is unable to cope with production.In case you prefer it then I would recommend you to take it say for some time and all the while improving your diet to include more calcium.
Problems with prolonged intake of calcium -latest research says no significant difference in women with menopause taking calcium supplements from those not taking.Too much of Calcium in blood puts load on kidney to remove them from body.Excess calcium produces stones which again have their own problems.
If all this is too much for you -make it easy for yourself- take a walk daily for 20mts 5days a wk.Eat a cup of yogurt daily or banana or almonds or cheese and forget the rest !
Remember you are getting old and body will be changing -its Ok and you really dont want to run about.Right?
Thursday, 7 February 2013
The New Fad Vit D shots...
My first argument is that nobody (except the very few) should get Vit D deficiency when it can easily be produced by the body FREE-from the sun.All it takes from you is to be in the sun for some time.Just value yourself enough to do it.
Now I must excuse those people who have absorption problems and are unable to use the sun to make their VitD-Crohns, Celiac disease, major kidney problem,allergies to milk etc.
So what does one do if diagnosed of low levels of Vit D? Before you jump the gun along with your doc who prescribes Vit D shots to you heres what will HELP
1)Increase your exposure to sun--SUNBATH.Come out of that air-conditioners.
2)Eat more egg-yolks, fish-oils,cheese--vegetarian-yogurt.
3)Continue the above for life-time or at least 1-2 yrs.This is because once the levels of Vit D is low they take time to come to normal-mostly around 6months.This is so even if you take the INJ of Vit D.
No separate time is required for this just do something in your day differently to incorporate this.Also nothing greatly damaging is going to occur with low Vit D for some time(read 6months).Body can cope in normal circumstances.It also takes a long time to develop osteoporosis or fractures etc(many years).Chill !
Whats Not Good about Vit D
1)Taking the shot itself is painful and with discomfort
2)Generally have to take 3-4times
3)Plenty of side-effects and overdose problems
4)The content in the injection is SYNTHETIC calcitriol. CHEMICAL CHEMICAL CHEMICAL
5)The effect of the injection lasts ONLY SIX MONTHS-then your body is again susceptible to low levels of Vit D--so does not solve the problem-temporary.
Who should take Vit D inj if at all
1)People who are bed-ridden and cant get sun-light
2)Suffering from major absorption problems or acute emergencies or children going into rickets
3)Old people who are getting recurrent fractures
Now I must excuse those people who have absorption problems and are unable to use the sun to make their VitD-Crohns, Celiac disease, major kidney problem,allergies to milk etc.
So what does one do if diagnosed of low levels of Vit D? Before you jump the gun along with your doc who prescribes Vit D shots to you heres what will HELP
1)Increase your exposure to sun--SUNBATH.Come out of that air-conditioners.
2)Eat more egg-yolks, fish-oils,cheese--vegetarian-yogurt.
3)Continue the above for life-time or at least 1-2 yrs.This is because once the levels of Vit D is low they take time to come to normal-mostly around 6months.This is so even if you take the INJ of Vit D.
No separate time is required for this just do something in your day differently to incorporate this.Also nothing greatly damaging is going to occur with low Vit D for some time(read 6months).Body can cope in normal circumstances.It also takes a long time to develop osteoporosis or fractures etc(many years).Chill !
Whats Not Good about Vit D
1)Taking the shot itself is painful and with discomfort
2)Generally have to take 3-4times
3)Plenty of side-effects and overdose problems
4)The content in the injection is SYNTHETIC calcitriol. CHEMICAL CHEMICAL CHEMICAL
5)The effect of the injection lasts ONLY SIX MONTHS-then your body is again susceptible to low levels of Vit D--so does not solve the problem-temporary.
Who should take Vit D inj if at all
1)People who are bed-ridden and cant get sun-light
2)Suffering from major absorption problems or acute emergencies or children going into rickets
3)Old people who are getting recurrent fractures
Wednesday, 6 February 2013
About Dandruff..
Ha ha ha dandruff is the biggest advertising success ever ! All the shampoo advertisers have become successful in converting this simple problem into a MONSTER that it is not.
Basically dandruff is an irritated scalp. Dermatologists will tell you that when there is too much of oil secretion by scalp and it gets infested by a yeast malassezia and forms flake.Also since it is more of skin problem-scalp is also skin-it can occur anywhere on body.
Again it is irritated scalp or skin.Irritated and dry.True there is more oil secretion-but why is there more secretion? Why is the scalp irritated and your skin dry ? So what should be done.
Scalp is irritated for 2 reasons. One is its not oiled regularly.Actually its not the oil thats important but the massage to the scalp-this improves the blood supply to scalp. All the organs in our body needs good blood supply. When the blood supply to scalp is good the health of hair-root is good and also the scalp in general.
Second is too much of use of shampoo.Shampoo no matter how so called gental or herbal(in India herbal products have a tax-discount to manufacturers) is a detergent (read chemicals) and this irritates the scalp.So refrain from shampoo as much as possible -wash hair 2times/wk -only once with shampoo.Also remember no matter how much you wash off all shampoos have what is called residual effect means it remains in scalp even after washing.This is a chronic irritation and often makes your skin and scalp dry.
ACTION: You need to oil your hair regularly-massage the oil-at least once a wk.Use natural shikakai/reetha to wash your hair once and only once shampoo.Dont change brand of shampoos too much, use milder ones.Oils rest of body skin as well if dry.If dandruff is very severe take homeopathic treatment -it works and sustains( pollution also adds to the problem...
Basically dandruff is an irritated scalp. Dermatologists will tell you that when there is too much of oil secretion by scalp and it gets infested by a yeast malassezia and forms flake.Also since it is more of skin problem-scalp is also skin-it can occur anywhere on body.
Again it is irritated scalp or skin.Irritated and dry.True there is more oil secretion-but why is there more secretion? Why is the scalp irritated and your skin dry ? So what should be done.
Scalp is irritated for 2 reasons. One is its not oiled regularly.Actually its not the oil thats important but the massage to the scalp-this improves the blood supply to scalp. All the organs in our body needs good blood supply. When the blood supply to scalp is good the health of hair-root is good and also the scalp in general.
Second is too much of use of shampoo.Shampoo no matter how so called gental or herbal(in India herbal products have a tax-discount to manufacturers) is a detergent (read chemicals) and this irritates the scalp.So refrain from shampoo as much as possible -wash hair 2times/wk -only once with shampoo.Also remember no matter how much you wash off all shampoos have what is called residual effect means it remains in scalp even after washing.This is a chronic irritation and often makes your skin and scalp dry.
ACTION: You need to oil your hair regularly-massage the oil-at least once a wk.Use natural shikakai/reetha to wash your hair once and only once shampoo.Dont change brand of shampoos too much, use milder ones.Oils rest of body skin as well if dry.If dandruff is very severe take homeopathic treatment -it works and sustains( pollution also adds to the problem...
Tuesday, 5 February 2013
Which vaccinations to take ?
The markets today are flooded with various vaccines and the docs are all falling over each other to recommend them. Daily we read about a new vaccine that has come out , is in pipeline or one under study.Soon there will be a vaccine for everything we can think of.
We also read about the side-effects of vaccines.Some minor some grave.The swine-flu vaccine for instance.
What should we do ? Seems a problem if we vaccinate our children seems a problem if we dont...
This is the problem with too much information-becimes difficult to decide.
These are the 5 steps you need to make your decision---
1)What does your countries govt or public health body say?The government has a lot of health-info pertaining to the place you stay and has already charted out a plan for vaccinations.So have a look at it, ex in India govt has made BCG,Polio,TT,DPT compulsory for all children.These need to be given-also note meningitis is not made compulsory.This is because only certain areas like far-east, slums etc are prone to it and need protection.Rest all is the companies making those vaccines advertising them.
2)What diseases are prevalent in your city/region? If tuberculosis is rampant you need it, if yellow fever is you need that.Also sometimes there is an pandemic/epidemic like swine flu.Can consider with other factors to make a decision.
3)What is your individual circumstance in terms of your health and environment. Are you in peak of health or are you in a stress zone(loss of job,loved ones,break-ups).Are you in new city or travelling too much? Ex my son was staying in hostel for studies in a place where jaundice was rampant. Now he is stressed,away from home,eating out all the time in place where there is jaundice.
4)Family History. If you have aunts,mom,sisters , cousins with cancer then cervical cancer vaccine makes sense.
5)Travel Status-are you travelling a lot.Where does your travel take you and what are the health status there? Look at the problem-jaundice is relatively minor meningitis is serious.
After considering all the above decide.Most of the times vaccinations are not required.Note that most of them protect you for only a year or two.You are vulnerable again.
We also read about the side-effects of vaccines.Some minor some grave.The swine-flu vaccine for instance.
What should we do ? Seems a problem if we vaccinate our children seems a problem if we dont...
This is the problem with too much information-becimes difficult to decide.
These are the 5 steps you need to make your decision---
1)What does your countries govt or public health body say?The government has a lot of health-info pertaining to the place you stay and has already charted out a plan for vaccinations.So have a look at it, ex in India govt has made BCG,Polio,TT,DPT compulsory for all children.These need to be given-also note meningitis is not made compulsory.This is because only certain areas like far-east, slums etc are prone to it and need protection.Rest all is the companies making those vaccines advertising them.
2)What diseases are prevalent in your city/region? If tuberculosis is rampant you need it, if yellow fever is you need that.Also sometimes there is an pandemic/epidemic like swine flu.Can consider with other factors to make a decision.
3)What is your individual circumstance in terms of your health and environment. Are you in peak of health or are you in a stress zone(loss of job,loved ones,break-ups).Are you in new city or travelling too much? Ex my son was staying in hostel for studies in a place where jaundice was rampant. Now he is stressed,away from home,eating out all the time in place where there is jaundice.
4)Family History. If you have aunts,mom,sisters , cousins with cancer then cervical cancer vaccine makes sense.
5)Travel Status-are you travelling a lot.Where does your travel take you and what are the health status there? Look at the problem-jaundice is relatively minor meningitis is serious.
After considering all the above decide.Most of the times vaccinations are not required.Note that most of them protect you for only a year or two.You are vulnerable again.
Monday, 4 February 2013
Should You Take Supplements ?
It is rather surprising this fetish for supplements nowadays. Everyone wants to take Calcium, vitamins, B12 shots etc. The market in India is currently pegged at 107.7 billion Rs(1.8bn euros).These are supposedly driven by more health awareness and the growing middle-class with disposable incomes.
The real question is DO WE NEED IT ?
The most important thing we need to keep in mind is that all these so called supplements are produced artifically in a lab/industry.Most are made from chemicals.Our body which is geared to produce all of these within itself so we dont as such need it.By taking them our body becomes lazy and forgets to make them over a period of time. Our body mechanics is wired so that we can make all the things we need.
So when do we need supplements? We need them when our body is sick and cant make them or it is excessively strained and unable to cope with all the functions it requires to do.Say after a severe bout of jaundice ,typhoid or malaria body is too weak to function or during pregnancy when the needs are lot more.
Or in old age when we are active and body is not the same.Or in some families there is an absorption problem, or you have had a major surgery and body cannot absorp..
How should you take them?
If you have to take them take it for short duration of time --say 2-3weeks in cases post major illness.Then stop and observe or do a test to find out the levels in blood.Do blood calcium levels and then take supplemets.Again take them after a gap of say 6-8weeks. Always take natural food which can also supplement the body--like jaggery for iron etc.
Understand the word supplements are to supplement for a short time only..
The real question is DO WE NEED IT ?
The most important thing we need to keep in mind is that all these so called supplements are produced artifically in a lab/industry.Most are made from chemicals.Our body which is geared to produce all of these within itself so we dont as such need it.By taking them our body becomes lazy and forgets to make them over a period of time. Our body mechanics is wired so that we can make all the things we need.
So when do we need supplements? We need them when our body is sick and cant make them or it is excessively strained and unable to cope with all the functions it requires to do.Say after a severe bout of jaundice ,typhoid or malaria body is too weak to function or during pregnancy when the needs are lot more.
Or in old age when we are active and body is not the same.Or in some families there is an absorption problem, or you have had a major surgery and body cannot absorp..
How should you take them?
If you have to take them take it for short duration of time --say 2-3weeks in cases post major illness.Then stop and observe or do a test to find out the levels in blood.Do blood calcium levels and then take supplemets.Again take them after a gap of say 6-8weeks. Always take natural food which can also supplement the body--like jaggery for iron etc.
Understand the word supplements are to supplement for a short time only..
Saturday, 2 February 2013
How Homeopathy Is Environmentally Friendly ?
Its that time when all environmentally friendly people should be friend with Homeopathy. Why ? Because homeopathy contributes significantly in keeping environment chemical-free and healthy.
Among the largest producers of medicines are the conventional medicines or allopathy. Their business is HUGH-so hugh in fact that there are views that they are influencing WHO, presidential elections and what not. There are thousands of pharmaceutical companies around the globe.What are producing? Our health medicines. What are the raw materials they require? CHEMICALS.-capsules,tablets,syrups made from chemicals --at times from less harmful to health but chemicals non-the-less.
Now either the medicines are consumed by people in which case they are absorbed by body and going back to the soil--POLLUTING it. Or people simply discard them again polluting the environment-soil,water,sea.
Are any of these companies showing concern ? Do we really need these medicines. Yes, we do. Sparingly, not this hugh production which is wasted. The greed of the companies is going overboard and ruining our earth.
The other larger producers of medicines are the natural medicines used in various alternative therapy.
Homeopathic medicines are produced from all sources that are mostly(there are exceptions) bio-degradable and nature-friendly. At least where-ever possible we should use homeopathy.
Its no longer a chioce -its a MUST to save the earth.
Among the largest producers of medicines are the conventional medicines or allopathy. Their business is HUGH-so hugh in fact that there are views that they are influencing WHO, presidential elections and what not. There are thousands of pharmaceutical companies around the globe.What are producing? Our health medicines. What are the raw materials they require? CHEMICALS.-capsules,tablets,syrups made from chemicals --at times from less harmful to health but chemicals non-the-less.
Now either the medicines are consumed by people in which case they are absorbed by body and going back to the soil--POLLUTING it. Or people simply discard them again polluting the environment-soil,water,sea.
Are any of these companies showing concern ? Do we really need these medicines. Yes, we do. Sparingly, not this hugh production which is wasted. The greed of the companies is going overboard and ruining our earth.
The other larger producers of medicines are the natural medicines used in various alternative therapy.
Homeopathic medicines are produced from all sources that are mostly(there are exceptions) bio-degradable and nature-friendly. At least where-ever possible we should use homeopathy.
Its no longer a chioce -its a MUST to save the earth.
How Homeopathy Can Help Reduce HealthCare Costs?
Just for a minute let us leave all the controversies surrounding homeopathy aside to do some serious talks on healthcare.
Currently all around the world what does a person do when he falls sick? He takes some home remedies, or medicines he has taken in the past. When not better goes to a doctor and takes some medicines-often untimely, over-prescribed anti-biotics. Here itself lots of expenditure takes place.Often if not better his medicines are changed. Costs incurred.
In the event the complaint is allergic, or infection is chronic, or there is a maintaining cause ,or person is in stress he is not going to get completely better.Repeated visits to doctors.
In the public healthcare this causes expenditure of money and resources.The doctors in govt hospitals are over-burdened and over taxed with these cases which are many times climate-driven.
The patient is now fed-up and unwell and decides to TRY homeopathy.Since homeopathy is known to address all the above issues-allergy,stress,causes etc it helps.
Now if the entire primary care is under-pinned with the homeopath there benefit for all.All allergy, auto-immune,chronic cases could be directly guided to homeopathic department.There can be a proper debate on which cases can start directly with homeopathy.
The doctors will prescribe anti-biotics less as many times even they are not really convinced about it themselves.Also it does seem meaningless to treat allergies and many other complaints by allopathy as everyone knows it has limited scope.
These patients could be diverted to homeopathy.They could then be given anti-biotics in case homeopathy does not give result.That would prevent misuse/overuse and development of resistant strains of organism.
Homeopathic medicines are cheap and there are not much patent issues either.
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