Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Which vaccinations to take ?

The markets today are flooded with various vaccines and the docs are all falling over each other to recommend them. Daily we read about a new vaccine that has come out , is in pipeline or one under study.Soon there will be a vaccine for everything we can think of.

We also read about the side-effects of vaccines.Some minor some grave.The swine-flu vaccine for instance.
What should we do ? Seems a problem if we vaccinate our children seems a problem if we dont...
This is the problem with too much information-becimes difficult to decide.

These are the 5 steps you need to make your decision---

1)What does your countries govt or public health body say?The government has a lot of health-info pertaining to the place you stay and has already charted out a plan for vaccinations.So have a look at it, ex in India govt has made BCG,Polio,TT,DPT compulsory for all children.These need to be given-also note meningitis is not made compulsory.This is because only certain areas like far-east, slums etc are prone to it and need protection.Rest all is the companies making those vaccines advertising them.

2)What diseases are prevalent in your city/region? If tuberculosis is rampant you need it, if yellow fever is you need that.Also sometimes there is an pandemic/epidemic like swine flu.Can consider with other factors to make a decision.

3)What is your individual circumstance in terms of your health and environment. Are you in peak of health or are you in a stress zone(loss of job,loved ones,break-ups).Are you in new city or travelling too much? Ex my son was staying in hostel for studies in a place where jaundice was rampant. Now he is stressed,away from home,eating out all the time in place where there is jaundice.

4)Family History. If you have aunts,mom,sisters , cousins with cancer then cervical cancer vaccine makes sense.

5)Travel Status-are you travelling a lot.Where does your travel take you and what are the health status there? Look at the problem-jaundice is relatively minor meningitis is serious.

After considering all the above decide.Most of the times vaccinations are not required.Note that most of them protect you for only a year or two.You are vulnerable again.

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