Sunday, 7 April 2013

How you gain more from homeopathic management of your blood pressure ?

Its World Health Day today and the focus is on hypertension or high blood pressure. We are all familiar with raised blood pressure as we have seen our parents or grandparents taking pills for BP. Currently there has been such a surge of raised blood pressure among the young that its a little worrying. The life-style and stress -both at home and office is taking its toll. We have raised pressure in below 30yrs and heart attacks by 35yrs. Why is the focus of WHO(world health organisation) on blood pressure ?

The allopathic medicine is well versed in BP-has a range of medicines, big pharmas are into it, people know about it , still not very expensive and works fairly well -so why should anybody think of homeopathy at all.?

Here is how you gain more and better from homeopathy-
1) All said and done BP is a chronic problem and hence medication is long. Homeopathy is safe and without any side-effects. Many times problems arise more from the side effects of the medication in allopathy than BP itself.
2) Homeopathy can effectively prevent dialysis which is a complication of prolonged BP.Dialysis is expensive and painful and reduces the quality of life greatly
3) Many times one sees that only during stress the BP rises and after the crises comes down on its own.In such cases the allopathic medicines obstruct smooth functioning of the body.
4)Homeopathy has good medicines to prevent paralysis/stroke in long standing cases of BP.
5)Homeopaths help in counseling which helps to bring down BP

Better medicines are those that help our own body's mechanism to heal itself.It preserves our body and only minimum medicines should be used to put our body back in action. These are in alignment with the laws of nature and there is no suppression.

More important is how and which medicines we use are also going to determine and design our genes which we are going to pass-on to our children.If that is so should not we be more careful and concerned about our medication ? what would you say ? 


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