Monday, 3 June 2013

Heart Surgeries And Wisdom

My dad was 72 yrs old, fairly fit, walking about 6kms daily and on few prescribed medications for BP etc. Being particular about his health he took the yearly check-up at big hospital.There were major blocks in his heart and the cardiologist said he needed urgent admission for stent (said 5 needed) since the blocks were major and multiple(including one for kidney).I was with him and asked him if he was up to this.

My dad is what I call a plan-fanatic.Everything has to be planned-he can't take any sudden change of plans.
So he said "Rubbish ! I took a 6kms walk yesterday without any problem. I will go home.Period.No discussions".I explained to the cardiologist and he said I needed to take a firm stand and admit him.He refused to discharge us. I know my dad and I took discharge against the wishes of cardiologist.This was in 2006

Dad is now 79 and has not done any surgery and still walks 6kms and leading his normal life.
Where is the gap in understanding and what has happened to the 90% blocks.?

The reports had shown the coronary artery(blood vessel that supplies blood to heart muscles) to be blocked in a major way.Almost 3most important ones.There was one artery in kidney also blocked.Even his carotid artery which supplies blood to the brain was also blocked.I looked at all the reports and also evaluated what the cardiologist had advised and then took the decision.

The cardiologist had advised 5 stents in total 4 in the heart and 1 for the kidney.So as a result-
1)Stents are not totally safe.Complications include procedural and allergy(dyes etc), clots, stenosis.
2)Bleeding, rupture and emergency complications
3)Though we have taken care of heart and kidney what about the carotid which supplies the brain ?
4)Life quality with 5 stents in the heart ....?

The answers to these are not given by cardiologist prior to the operation.When a stent complication will occur and we take dad to hospital he will say yes, this is a complication of stent.So we are taken down the dark alley and circumstances then get a superior hand !

How did wisdom come into this ?

Simple anyone will say 5stents are too much ! Secondly even with a major surgery and no complication surgery -chances of brain clot/ stroke remains. Its like stitching up one end to reveal another.Also the chances of formation of clots from the stent is also there. So are we increasing the risk or decreasing ?
Life would become in and out of hospitals for him and me. Is this what we want ?

Actually what happened was that because his major arteries were blocked his COLLATERALS picked up.Like if our main road is blocked there are always these small lanes through which we can go.Its gods way of ensuring a planB for the heart.Our heart can get blood supply and manage well with it provided the hearts capacity is enhanced/optimized by regular walks.Probably all our old grandfathers did it that way.They had no cardiologists to scare them and no USG to confuse them.

Wise Old People.!


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