What did Michael Jackson do for his vitiligo ? He definitely did not try homeopathy-the one sure treatment for vitiligo. Strange, how this gap in knowledge affect even the greatest celebraties...
Vitiligo is the depigmentation of skin due to which the difference in skin color can be easily spotted. It has tremendous social implications as it involves areas that are always exposed-eyes, nose, face,hands etc.In India it was heavily stigmatized even 20yrs back when I got my first case of vitiligo.
Why does it happen ? There are cells in our skin that gives color to the skin-called melanocytes. In vitiligo they either die or loose their function.This happens because of reasons like-viral-virus directly killing them.Or autoimmune response-our own body cells kill them(by mistake or wrongly) during stress or reasons in which our immune response is affected. Or these are hidden genes responsible for them dying. Suffice to say things go wrong and our melanocytes become defunct and we get vitiligo.
Why homeopathy is the best for vitiligo ?
1)Look closely to the causes-viral, autoimmune, genetic-look like deep rooted causes which needs to be addressed properly. Its a laugh-these creams and lotions that are advertised. If they had worked we would probably not have Michael Jackson with it.If its caused by a gene -how will external cream help? I mean really help ?
2)Homeopathy is known to give good results in autoimmune disorders-like RA(rheumatoid arthritis) ,UC(ulcerative colitis),Psoriasis--since it addresses at a deeper level.
How ? Homeopathy treats the person not the disease.So after studying the person we get to the root of the problem as to why has the autoimmunity gone hay ware ? Why have the genes become dominant ? Or why have the virus affected in such a way. Medicines are given so that function of melanocytes is put back on track. The dead melanocytes cannot become alive but the nearby cells can be optimized so that enough colour is produced to make the skin appear normal.
Yes its a long process and swift results are possible if person takes homoepathy the moment the lesion appears-which are generally small. Though large patches also respond but the time taken is more and people often give-up midway.
Most homeopaths will boast about treating vitiligo when there is nothing to talk home about.Its all in a days work for homeopaths-albeit an experienced one.
Would like to impress upon people that in a way vitiligo is pretty much harmless and even untreated is not dangerous.However it has social implications and hence it has gained prominence.
Go for homeopathy for this without any doubts at all !
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