Monday, 16 September 2013

Sure shot for Acne !

It is only recently that i have begun to understand the pain of my acne-patients.Yes, it does look ugly and there is hardly anything that REALLY works.Before you go for the latest cream that treats acne here are things you should know that are more important.

1)Treat That Dandruff: The commonest cause of the acne that are rampant and obstinate is the dandruff.It flakes, falls on face and causes acne.This acne will not go away till the dandruff is treated.However, its not easy to treat dandruff.Shampoos again are not the answer as they increase the dryness of hair and propogate more dandruff.Oiling of hair is required( refer blog on dandruff).

2)Drink plenty of water.Measure how much water you drink by always drinking from one bottle.Total between 2-3litres per day is good.More in diarrhoea or acute illness or summers.Drinking water helps to throw out the toxins that accumulate in the body and improves the skin.

3)Exercise. Why? Because when you sweat the water that comes out of those pores also cleanses it. Your face clears up and acne are reduced.

4)Hormones/Menses/Sex: Its important that your periods are regular.Irregular menses can mean a cyst in ovary or PCOD which can cause profuse and bad acne and treatment is way different than creams.Hormonal imbalances have to be treated internally only then acne will reduce externally.Regular sex is also good in maintainig good skin people have reported -i dont know why.

5)I have also found that red meat seems to give clear and sparkling skin without acne.I do say that eat whole-some food with vegetables, nuts,fruits.Get plenty of sunlight.

6)Be happy, smiling, and sleeping well is important.Many teens get acne in stress, during exams, late nights, tensions etc

Creams and Medicines
Local applications of creams should be used only if acne are few and small and that respond to creams.If they persists and are not going away think of medicinal treatment specially if your periods are not regular etc.Obstinate dandruff will also require treatment.

Homeopathic treatment for acne is fast and permanant ...

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