The problem with the coverage and information about the
Coronavirus-2019nCoV that broke out in China is that it only focuses on the
virulence of the organism. What this organism is able to do in your body also
depends on your body or the host. Nobody is talking about this leading to helplessness and frustration.
Classically the outcomes of infections -virus or bacteria depends on
1)Virulence of the oranism
2) Condition of your body-host
3)Environmental conditions/ weather/ hygiene
of the organism is its capacity to multiply in the host body(your body) rapidly
and break down your immune system. Much like an enemy attack that will destroy
your defense /army. The cause of death is often more infections once the
immunity is down. This is the only way to measure virulence or how mean the
virus is. So though there are more and less virulent organism –the outcomes
depend on host as well. A weak host will make the virus stronger in
Of host: I do not know why nobody is talking about this. Not the doctors, not the
scientists nor the preventive medicine guys. This is actually so important.
What is the state of your body? Is it fit? Is the immune system ready to fight
any virus who may attack? We do not know the state of health of the people of Wuhan.
body is weakened by many things. Presence of chronic diseases like diabetes,
blood pressure, malaria will put the system down. As a result the immunity is
not at its best or optimized. All the functioning and responses are dull and
sluggish. The virus will rapidly multiply and take charge and host is left
cancer we always say that patients will be prone to infections because immunity
is compromised. During my ebola experience in Liberia I saw all people had
chronic Malaria and their liver and spleens were markedly enlarged. When body
is dealing and failing with ongoing Malaria how would it deal with ebola-no
chance ! To say nothing about the lack of good food and nutrition.
Current states of broken relationship, loss of loved ones, sadness,depression, active ongoing stress, loans and debts -all will put immunity down.
should optimize their bodies with exercise, yoga, meditation and homeopathy.
Make your body strong. Homeopathy helps in optimization of body functions and
also deals with genetic load( inherited propensity in health )
conditions often are the maintaining cause and hamper the road to recovery.
Hygiene plays a role in preventing spread of the virus.
are really not the preferred solutions due to prohibitive cost and the amount
of viruses that are there-cant go on making vaccines. Also virus change fast
and hence we are falling behind in the race to win.
homeopathy we have philosophy of medicine-Organon of medicine-which is a study
about what and how our body needs to be treated. Like what happens to our body
when an acute infection attacks us. Either our body fights it and we get cured
or our body gets overwhelmed and we die. Most of us survive and in todays day
medicines assist us in this. But what happens when we have chronic diseases-our
capacity to fight further decreases. Enabling our body goes a long way in
improving its immunity.
a homeopaths perspective we would love more information about the patients. No
cough / breathlessness data but more specific / homeopathic data. Like if the
thirst is increased, patients feel chilly, is there a headache ? Mental state
and mood. This can help in individualization of cases and being able to select
what we know as genus epidemicus-an effective homeopathic remedy for all in
about patients who died-their age gp, cause of death, underlying chronic
diseases they had. Simple.
There needs to be a radicle change in how we think about our health and body. We are sold out to quick fixes for our body like -pain killers, steroids, insulin inj, supplements. These are not really empowering our body but creating a false sense of it. We need to work hard to create a sustainable healthy body.
There are many homeopathic medicines that can deal with the existing chronic diseases like blood pressure, diabetes and still help the body to fight viruses.This can be done along with hospitalisation and conventional healthcare.
anybody interested in simple solution which is not commercialized for
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