Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Treat Depression With Homeopathy Only

Mental illnesses and allergies dominate the health issues in this 21st century.Every 1 in 20 in USA is suffering from depression in a survey done in 2006.In India recently there was a lot of controversy about WHO declaring a 36% depression prevalence.Suffice to say we need to look at this and  more so  because(in India) a large percent(80%) of people do not seek medical help.

Depression in general is the low mood or down mood feel.Feelings of worthlessness, low self esteem, guilt, which last for long time can be said to be depression--say 2-3 weeks or more.Usually these are transient feeling states that come and go and can be considered normal-after a break-up,loss of near and dear ones,loss of job etc.Person picks himself up and gets going again. However many of us are not able to and continue being in this state.When this is along with reduced activity like not going out, not sleeping and not interacting with others it could be bordering on depression.Sometimes there is an obsessive element to it-like one of my patients could talk about her stools for 15minutes or there would be undue urgency /anxiety about small things.As this prolongs the body begins to respond to a sick mind with aches and pains with no pathological diagnosis.

An evaluation is required to find out the other diseases-related causes like Lyme disease, Addisons, thyroid.When these are treated depression gets treated as well and problem is solved. When no other cause is found patient is put on anti-depressants. Now its all a problem especially if no added councelling is given and there is long-term use of anti-depressants.The problems are
1)No study of the  long term side-effects of these anti-depressants have been done.(imagine how we need to have to study so many depressed people on anti-depressants..)-so this could be potentially dangerous.
2) With the chemicals all in your blood you never know where you stand or how you actually are without the anti-depressants.

For me this mode of treatment seems very superficial and in general going no-where.Let alone  the side-effects what do these medicines actually do? They create an artificial ambience in blood that sort of elevates your mood.They help no doubt more so in extreme cases as it prevents suicides etc but for how long--till the next pill is popped.And what about trying to correct the feeling of worthlessness ? The reasons why the person goes into this state is not addressed and hence he can go back into it.

Many times we are not doing any value addition in life and our self worth gets eroded.I call it house-wife-at-40 syndrome.The problem is not being a house-wife but being a house-wife and NOT liking house-work.Sure recipe for disaster.So we need to create pathways wherein the self-worth is increased.Or the lurking guilt-ex had this patient who was guilty of leaving his Father behind while he went abroad.He had to be told that how could he take his father when he refused?-thats life -it would actually be wrong to take him away when he did not want to.Both are right in their own ways..
Depression has more to do with how you think and how much you can cope (and taught to)with adversity,set backs.As homeopaths we look into all this and guide.The main issues are the understanding of self-person does not know that he is feeling worthless and what can be done.As a homeopath I also face difficulty in treating patients who are on anti-depressants as we never know how serious the problem is as anti-depressants mask all symtoms and person looks ok when he is NOT.

Our medicines do a wonderful job but clinical understanding is important and the homeopath has to be vigilant in treating such cases.There should be gradual reduction of anti-depressants after our medicines have contributed significantly to the case and there is improvement in the reasons that got him into it in the first place.

If not treated at all borderline depression is not a problem at all but homeopathic consulting and treatment is required so that it does not happen again.Depression is notorious for recurrence and these recurrences then will have genetic effect which we then call family tendency.We can help stop this...

watch this video

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Should You Be On Asthmatic Inhalers ?

Somehow I have always felt that using asthmatic inhalers is a compromised life.Its like you need to have it with you where-ever you go and in which-ever mood you are.Imagine a funfilled evening with friends and you go out for dinner and life is so good and suddenly someone near smokes and you get discomfort and realize that you have not taken your inhaler for the day. What a dampener ! Or your kid goes for picnic and forgets to take it..Sometimes the solution to the problem is more a pain than the problem.

Asthmatics feel that this is such a problem that it does not go away.The inhalers have to be used often for many years. On a continous basis. Over a period of time the content of the inhalers change from simple dilators to steroid based.The person is at mercy of every allergen possible and looks vulnerable when in spams.I would prefer fever, surgery any day.At least its over. Asthma has a nagging feel, ready to pop up every time and takes away lifes good moments..

Yet, its not like cancer and hence you dont have peoples sympathy as such unless you are in acute state.
You have to be careful of food no prawns, coloured items,weather-not too cold, or rainy.Not too stressed or emotional no exams no diwali crackers no holi colours.

After all thos there still the severe episode where you need tp be hospitalised because nothing seems to work. Inspite of the inhalers.

Asthma is a problem because it has triggers at various levels and often those types over which we have little control.There are body-triggers like food, mind and emotional triggers like stress, and uncontrolable triggers like weather.It is the heightened sensitivity at the level of mind and body.And a strange obstinacy in nature.Its a deadly mix.Like many get an episode with cold-drinks and most of them will love to have cold-drinks and will continue to have it.

Wholistic treatment is given by homeopathy.It improves the immunity so that the effect of allergens decraese.There is recognition of the stress situation and resolving them so that patient can cope better with them.Constitutional medicines help them to deal with weather changes and overall health status.The acute episodes decrease and my patient has never been hospitalised. Still at times it seems that it is lurking ready to pop up....

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Glowing Skin With Homeopathy

Skin is the mirror of the body.It represents how you look after yourself,your body,your food,your toxins and your happiness. Yes, even your mind state. I say this with many years of work and interactions with people with severe acne,spots,discolouration etc.Of course like a lot of other things your genes play a good role but one cannot just sit down and say -its my genes !
Homeopathys only advantage is the wholistic view it takes for all complaints including our humble acne/pimples. The homeopath if he is like me will irritate you endlessly with questions to treat you better.Many patients ask me "what has all this to do with my pimples?" But it has and rarely i find a patient without any cause as we like to call it.

Homeopath will first ask you about your oily food intake, water intake, eating habits.Are you in stress situation, unhappy about your boyfriend,husband ,mother-in-law?She will narrow down on the conflict and suggest ways to resolve them. In short remove all the maintaining causes that affect your health.
She will also guide you with your food-habits ,your favourite fancies ect.

As a doctor I first check out the dandruff issue.Most of the time the eruptions on face and skin are because of dandruff.There are effective homeopathic medicines for the most obstinate dandruff. Acne medicines in homeopathy are different depending upon their location,size,colour,pus,scarring. Discolouration or patches on face after pregnancy or during menopause can be treated. I treat warts and moles with deep-rooted homeopathic medicines so that they do not come back.We often see recurrences with the allopathic cauterization methods.

Importance is given to chronic diseases the patient is suffering from like diabetes since these chronic diseases have to be treated for a healthy body. Diagnosis is crucial in cases of women suffering from PCOD which throws up severe acne which do not respond to anything.When the menses become regular they ebb away.
All white patches or coloured patches on skin need to be diagnosed and then treated by homeopathy.I send my patients to dermatologists if I am unclear in diagnosing a skin condition as the various forms can be confusing and there are times when even a dermatologists will also ask for biopsy.External applications should be used sparingly and avoid steroids.

Walking 20 minutes daily is what i recommend once you get a great looking glowing skin.

Do you think homeopathy will help your skin ?

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Why Homeopathy Helps Where Allopathy Can't

The core of the reply to this question lies in the mode of action. Allopathy directly attacks the enemy(germs) and destroys them.Homeopathy actually triggers our bodies own defense system to kill the enemy.This triggering of the body's defense is a natural process only triggered by homeopathic medicines(also yoga).It is believed to be brought about by a complex process and relies on bodys self healing properties.

The body has a wonderful mechanism and inbuilt system to regulate all the functions.It has defense system in place.In many circumstances even if no medicines are taken the body can fight and regain health.We give homeopathic medicines only to hasten the effect and ensure the results.For ex if we do not give any medicines in measles it takes its course and goes away-but with homeopathic medicines we ensure that the cough which is a complication of measles does not happen, or pneumonia does not occur.

Allopathic medicines are dependent on diagnosis.Many times due to various reasons a diagnosis is not clear or doubtful hence allopathy does not help.

Allopathy is good for infections as there is a well-established anti-biotics.But in allergies, in viral conditions, irritaions there are no medicines.Most medicines given at those times are simple supplements or symtomatic creams etc which do not help much as they are superficial.Another area is the auto-immune diseases like rhuematoid arthritis --where the cells have a problem in recognising own body cell.It wrongly thinks they are enemy and begins to destroy them.There is precious little in allopathy for this.Growths like warts,corns,in growing toe-nails have nothing in allopathy.

Besides this once a complaint becomes chronic its difficult for the allopathic medicines to work as one has to consider the side-effects with prolonged use.Even in hypertention,diabetes the allopathic medicines only suppress-had it been very effective we would not have complications like kidney failure and stroke/paralysis.

Surgery is neither allopathy nor homeopathy.Surgery is removal of a part and if any tissue is badly infected it has to be removed.Its a different section in the treatment stage.

Homeopathy has a wider scope in treatment because it allows the body to take lead in curing.Each body is different and knows itself well so chances are better for improvement.However if the changes in body are far advanced and cannot be reversed body cannot do much (like in advanced cancer) and hence homeopathy cannot help much.There is one more situation when its difficult for homeopathy to help-when symtoms are few.Since homeopathy is based on symtoms which medicine to select to trigger a particular body can become difficult.It is for this that you need a experienced homeopath!

Unlock and trigger each body for better health -Make homeopathy your 1st choice.  

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

7 Powerful Steps To Reduce Stress

Stress as we know it is different for different people.For some childrens exams leads to stress, for some a presentation in office, an impending decision, relationships etc.Circumstances that lead to stress are our weak points and we need to look at them.Sometimes a long-gone mis-understood situation creates unhappiness and stress as its unresolved-I once had a patient who as a child was kept with grandparents since they could not afford to keep him.He kept telling me that they did not love him-I told him they loved you so much that inspite of their love and attachment for you they kept him with grandparents so that he could get good life(other evidences for this were present but he did not see).

Stress will always be there in life for everyone.How we deal with it is important inorder to be happy.Even during stress one needs to be capable so that our health is maintained.Also our relationships.It helps to keep our body is a relaxed state and allows medicines(if you take) to work.Engagement with stress and thoughts are important.

Here are 7 steps to reduce any stress-works everytime that I have seen
1)You-what are you? Answer simply and openly-are you shy, greedy, with low self esteem, rash,loud-all these are perfectly ok. Everyone has a fault.But you should know whats yours-look out for what people say about you or ask.So if you are shy-of course a presentation will stress you.No problem -today i have stress since i have a presentation.I believe no sane person will not give you work just because you did not present it well.Your work should speak for itself.
2)Situation-sometimes there is going to be stress and its nobodys fault since the situation or circumstance is so powerful.Getting married to a man who has kids.You and kids--it cant be easy no matter how hard you try.If you know you are better.
3)What can you do? Always try to find out what you can do and go ahead and do it.Dont let egos come in the way-instead of why should i-why shouldnt i ?Doing something helps reduce stress and you can face yourself better--you tried.
4)What you cannot do? In a traffic jam...RELAX-put on the music.Many other situations where if the other person refuses to understand you cant do anything.Wait patiently for the penny to drop...
5)Can you accept it-why not? If your son wants to marry someone why cant you accept it? Can you do anything meaningful to set it right? Is it your ego thats not accepting, social status, your so called mothers love? Nothing should occupy centre space than every persons happiness.Give space for others to do what they want children included and reduce stress.
6)Learn to live with it-I had a friend who has a gay son and when she finally realised that its not some whim she gave time and has accepted it and learned to live.Not easy but FLEXIBILITY reduces stress
7)The best way is to thank for what you have.A job,home,loving husband,hands,legs,eyes -all that many people will anything to have.

Then aint you lucky ?

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Fairness Creams

The market is full of fairness creams.As a nation India is obsessed with fair skin--a english hangover of the British rule in India.The imp thing is do they HELP and second is do we need them to...

There can be no thought as child-like and innocent as applying cream to make the skin fair.The melanin cells responsible for colour of skin are embedded deeply and linked to our genetic DNA.Nothing much can change it. Dont let all the advertisers fool you !

The creams help in a different way. What can a person do if he/she is unhappy with the skin? There is a need to DO something for it. (This is what the cream-makers realise). So we buy the best of creams saying to ourselves that we will have better skins. However what happens is that soon enough we are satisfied that we are doing something and switch our focus to other things-new boyfriend,exams, kids, weight etc.External applications of these type have limited results.

There has been a lot of noise in the consumer awareness forums about the so called fairness creams. Women claim that the mad rush for fair skin is unfair to coloured people in general and women in particular.But nothing much has happened. Today we find even respectable brands talking about fairness.

Heres what actually helps on long term basis
--there is something fundamentally wrong with being greatly dis-satisfied with how we are externally.Shows a low self esteem.Try to increase your worthy feeling by doing worthy work.Nothing like it
--drink plenty of water.Helps to get acne-free face much better than a fair-face.Good skin looks good fair or dark.
--eat less of junk food and plenty of non-oily food,fruits,vegetables.
--excercise open pores of skin and removes toxins.
--use less chemicals like cough syrups/ antibiotics/shampoos/creams
--homeopathic medicines helps to maintain wholistic health and better skin

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Think Before You Remove Your Uterus

More and more in my practice I am seeing women getting their utreus removed. And not feeling bad about it or even thinking twice-almost as if it is the done thing. In the semi-rural its almost like a status symbol-my utreus is removed -i belong to the hep class.More women are doing it in order to BELONG-after all everyone has removed it.

The news is that most of the time its not required to be removed.Its removed because your gynec does not seem to have any solution to your fibroids or the bleeding.There is also the arguement that it turns cancerous.Bullshit ! One in many many thousands turn and thats really no reason to have it removed.For women its just a little relief and attractive to remove it.But hold on -value yourself and your utreus.

I will address the most common reason of bleeding due to fibroids here..

Age is the most important issue.If you are under 30yrs NEVER think of removing it.Try all the other things like ayurved, homeopathy to stop bleeding.In the young the side-effects of removing utreus are intense.Also estrogen loss affects bones leading to osteoporosis --in short you age early.
If you are 40yrs again there is no need to remove utreus because fibroids(main reason for bleeding and utreus removal) stop growing as estrogen levels naturally decline.So nothing more will now happen.

More uterusus are being removed now-a-days due to easy access to hospitals, more money class and more working women and unawareness.

It should only be considered if
--the size of fibroid is large and physically pressing on other organ around it
--the bleeding does not stop with anything and Hb dips to 5 or below
--bleeding is along with other major health problems like Diabetes etc..

Friday, 8 February 2013

Women Osteoporosis and Menopause

All women have to grow old and all will have some osteoporosis.How much and how we deal with it will make all the difference.And its easy...

So what is this scary sounding osteoporosis-actually nothing much except the bones become soft, porous, bend and break easily. It can easily be prevented.Why does it happen and what has menopause got to do with it ?

Ok-short-since we have menses our ovaries produce estrogen(sex-hormone) which helps in preventing our body from using calcium from our bones when there is less of it in the body.Calcium is needed for many other body-functions including maintaining blood pressure.
So our bones are saved. After menopause we dont get menses and our estrogen levels fall and body starts using calcium from our bones IF the calcium levels in our body falls.This happens because as we age body"s capasity to absorb calcium from food decreases (result of the overall aging effect).

So we need to see our diet has enough calcium so  that body does not need the calcium from our bones and they dont become porous and weak due to loss of calcium.Plenty of food with calcium--milk,cheese,grains,fruits-banana, custard apple(sitaphal),tofu,almonds,green leafy vegetables,herring etc.Remember Vit D also needs to be produced by body for good calcium levels(exposure to sun).

Supplements or calcium tablets are again SYNTHETIC and will only give temporary benefit.Do take it if levels are low or you are suffering from chronic disease and body is unable to cope with production.In case you prefer it then I would recommend you to take it say for some time and all the while improving your diet to include more calcium.

Problems with prolonged intake of calcium -latest research says no significant difference in women with menopause taking calcium supplements from those not taking.Too much of Calcium in blood puts load on kidney to remove them from body.Excess calcium produces stones which again have their own problems.

If all this is too much for you -make it easy for yourself- take a walk daily for 20mts 5days a wk.Eat a cup of yogurt daily or banana or almonds or cheese and forget the rest !

Remember you are getting old and body will be changing -its Ok and you really dont want to run about.Right? 

Thursday, 7 February 2013

The New Fad Vit D shots...

My first argument is that nobody (except the very few) should get Vit D deficiency when it can easily be produced by the body FREE-from the sun.All it takes from you is to be in the sun for some time.Just value yourself enough to do it.

Now I must excuse those people who have absorption problems and are unable to use the sun to make their VitD-Crohns, Celiac disease, major kidney problem,allergies to milk etc.

So what does one do if diagnosed of low levels of Vit D? Before you jump the gun along with your doc who prescribes Vit D shots to you heres what will HELP
1)Increase your exposure to sun--SUNBATH.Come out of that air-conditioners.
2)Eat more egg-yolks, fish-oils,cheese--vegetarian-yogurt.
3)Continue the above for life-time or at least 1-2 yrs.This is because once the levels of Vit D is low they take time to come to normal-mostly around 6months.This is so even if you take the INJ of Vit D.

No separate time is required for this just do something in your day differently to incorporate this.Also nothing greatly damaging is going to occur with low Vit D for some time(read 6months).Body can cope in normal circumstances.It also takes a long time to develop osteoporosis or fractures etc(many years).Chill !

Whats Not Good about Vit D
1)Taking the shot itself is painful and with discomfort

2)Generally have to take 3-4times

3)Plenty of side-effects and overdose problems

4)The content in the injection is SYNTHETIC calcitriol. CHEMICAL CHEMICAL CHEMICAL

5)The effect of the injection lasts ONLY SIX MONTHS-then your body is again susceptible to low levels of Vit D--so does not solve the problem-temporary.

Who should take Vit D inj if at all
1)People who are bed-ridden and cant get sun-light
2)Suffering from major absorption problems or acute emergencies or children going into rickets
3)Old people who are getting recurrent fractures

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

About Dandruff..

Ha ha ha dandruff is the biggest advertising success ever ! All the shampoo advertisers have become successful in converting this simple problem into a MONSTER that it is not.

Basically dandruff is an irritated scalp. Dermatologists will tell you that when there is too much of oil secretion  by scalp and it gets infested by a yeast malassezia and forms flake.Also since it is more of skin problem-scalp is also skin-it can occur anywhere on body.

Again it is irritated scalp or skin.Irritated and dry.True there is more oil secretion-but why is there more secretion? Why is the scalp irritated and your skin dry ? So what should be done.

Scalp is irritated for 2 reasons. One is its not oiled regularly.Actually its not the oil thats important but the massage to the scalp-this improves the blood supply to scalp. All the organs in our body needs good blood supply. When the blood supply to scalp is good the health of hair-root is good and also the scalp in general.
Second is too much of use of shampoo.Shampoo no matter how so called gental or herbal(in India herbal products have a tax-discount to manufacturers) is a detergent (read chemicals) and this irritates the scalp.So refrain from shampoo as much as possible -wash hair 2times/wk -only once with shampoo.Also remember no matter how much you wash off all shampoos have what is called residual effect means it remains in scalp even after washing.This is a chronic irritation and often makes your skin and scalp dry.

ACTION: You need to oil your hair regularly-massage the oil-at least once a wk.Use natural shikakai/reetha to wash your hair once and only once shampoo.Dont change brand of shampoos too much, use milder ones.Oils rest of body skin as well if dry.If dandruff is very severe take homeopathic treatment -it works and sustains( pollution also adds to the problem...

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Which vaccinations to take ?

The markets today are flooded with various vaccines and the docs are all falling over each other to recommend them. Daily we read about a new vaccine that has come out , is in pipeline or one under study.Soon there will be a vaccine for everything we can think of.

We also read about the side-effects of vaccines.Some minor some grave.The swine-flu vaccine for instance.
What should we do ? Seems a problem if we vaccinate our children seems a problem if we dont...
This is the problem with too much information-becimes difficult to decide.

These are the 5 steps you need to make your decision---

1)What does your countries govt or public health body say?The government has a lot of health-info pertaining to the place you stay and has already charted out a plan for vaccinations.So have a look at it, ex in India govt has made BCG,Polio,TT,DPT compulsory for all children.These need to be given-also note meningitis is not made compulsory.This is because only certain areas like far-east, slums etc are prone to it and need protection.Rest all is the companies making those vaccines advertising them.

2)What diseases are prevalent in your city/region? If tuberculosis is rampant you need it, if yellow fever is you need that.Also sometimes there is an pandemic/epidemic like swine flu.Can consider with other factors to make a decision.

3)What is your individual circumstance in terms of your health and environment. Are you in peak of health or are you in a stress zone(loss of job,loved ones,break-ups).Are you in new city or travelling too much? Ex my son was staying in hostel for studies in a place where jaundice was rampant. Now he is stressed,away from home,eating out all the time in place where there is jaundice.

4)Family History. If you have aunts,mom,sisters , cousins with cancer then cervical cancer vaccine makes sense.

5)Travel Status-are you travelling a lot.Where does your travel take you and what are the health status there? Look at the problem-jaundice is relatively minor meningitis is serious.

After considering all the above decide.Most of the times vaccinations are not required.Note that most of them protect you for only a year or two.You are vulnerable again.

Monday, 4 February 2013

Should You Take Supplements ?

It is rather surprising this fetish for supplements nowadays. Everyone wants to take Calcium, vitamins, B12 shots etc. The market in India is currently pegged at 107.7 billion Rs(1.8bn euros).These are supposedly driven by more health awareness and the growing middle-class with disposable incomes.

The real question is DO WE NEED IT ?
The most important thing we need to keep in mind is that all these so called supplements are produced artifically in a lab/industry.Most are made from chemicals.Our body which is geared to produce all of these within itself so we dont as such need it.By taking them our body becomes lazy and forgets to make them over a period of time. Our body mechanics is wired so that we can make all the things we need.

So when do we need supplements? We need them when our body is sick and cant make them or it is excessively strained and unable to cope with all the functions it requires to do.Say after a severe bout of jaundice ,typhoid or malaria body is too weak to function or during pregnancy when the needs are lot more.
Or in old age when we are active and body is not the same.Or in some families there is an absorption problem, or you have had a major surgery and body cannot absorp..

How should you take them?
If you have to take them take it for short duration of time --say 2-3weeks in cases post major illness.Then stop and observe or do a test to find out the levels in blood.Do blood calcium levels and then take supplemets.Again take them after a gap of say 6-8weeks. Always take natural food which can also supplement the body--like jaggery for iron etc.

Understand the word supplements are to supplement for a short time only..  

Saturday, 2 February 2013

How Homeopathy Is Environmentally Friendly ?

Its that time when all environmentally friendly people should be friend with Homeopathy. Why ? Because homeopathy contributes significantly in keeping environment chemical-free and healthy.

Among the largest producers of medicines are the conventional medicines or allopathy. Their business is HUGH-so hugh in fact that there are views that they are influencing WHO, presidential elections and what not. There are thousands of pharmaceutical companies around the globe.What are producing? Our health medicines. What are the raw materials they require? CHEMICALS.-capsules,tablets,syrups made from chemicals --at times from less harmful to health but chemicals non-the-less.

Now either the medicines are consumed by people in which case they are absorbed by body and going back   to the soil--POLLUTING it. Or people simply discard them again polluting the environment-soil,water,sea.

Are any of these companies showing concern ? Do we really need these medicines. Yes, we do. Sparingly, not this hugh production which is wasted. The greed of the companies is going overboard and ruining our earth.

The other larger producers of medicines are the natural medicines used in various alternative therapy.

Homeopathic medicines are produced from all sources that are mostly(there are exceptions) bio-degradable and nature-friendly. At least where-ever possible we should use homeopathy.

Its no longer a chioce -its a MUST to save the earth.

How Homeopathy Can Help Reduce HealthCare Costs?

Just for a minute let us leave all the controversies surrounding homeopathy aside to do some serious talks on healthcare.

Currently all around the world what does a person do when he falls sick? He takes some home remedies, or medicines he has taken in the past. When not better goes to a doctor and takes some medicines-often untimely, over-prescribed anti-biotics. Here itself lots of expenditure takes place.Often if not better his medicines are changed. Costs incurred.

In the event the complaint is allergic, or infection is chronic, or there is a maintaining cause ,or person is in stress he is not going to get completely better.Repeated visits to doctors.

In the public healthcare this causes expenditure of money and resources.The doctors in govt hospitals are over-burdened and over taxed with these cases which are many times climate-driven.

The patient is now fed-up and unwell and decides to TRY homeopathy.Since homeopathy is known to address all the above issues-allergy,stress,causes etc it helps.

Now if the entire primary care is under-pinned with the homeopath there benefit for all.All allergy, auto-immune,chronic cases could be directly guided to homeopathic department.There can be a proper debate on which cases can start directly with homeopathy.

The doctors will prescribe anti-biotics less as many times even they are not really convinced about it themselves.Also it does seem meaningless to treat allergies and many other complaints by allopathy as everyone knows it has limited scope.
These patients could be diverted to homeopathy.They could then be given anti-biotics in case homeopathy does not give result.That would prevent misuse/overuse and development of resistant strains of organism.
Homeopathic medicines are cheap and there are not much patent issues either.