Saturday 19 July 2014

When will we have a healthy world ?

The World Health Organisation(WHO) was founded on 7 April 1948 as an off shoot of the UN. It was meant to take up a leadership role on world health platform. Today, WHO is really not a formidable body and was currently criticised for overplaying the H1N1 scare (2010) and wasting large sums of public money.

At the governmental levels few have been able to keep politics out of their healthcare schemes and policies. The big pharmas have a giant role to play in the economics of Europe and UK homeopathic hospitals are closing down.It has taken UK-NHS (one of the foremost in research) so many years to realise that homeopathy does not work ?  Haha....

At the hospital levels it is all about returns and profits. Big hospitals are run not by doctors/physicians but MBAs who are wired for profits. So if you are not admitting more patients you can be replaced by a doctor who does. The most advanced diagnostics has to be available at the hospital -so you can charge patients more. No consideration that your area may not need it to the extent or cases in your area does not warrant its use.As a result what happens is that a hospital buys this big costly diagnostic facility, finds not much use-then sort of manipulates patients to use it and hence add to the headache of recovering the costs.
Oh please its only diagnosis-the major part is to treat and get results, get health !

At the level of clinics which directly cater to the patients its all about what works and what does not. I as a homeopath may feel it works, an ayurvedic may feel the same about ayurveda etc.We directly connect and work closely with people.We too are looking at our kitty at the end of the day. Some of us run 2 clinics and are constantly competing with nearby doctors, hospitals, different treating methods. Few can really say how their patients are doing or whats working for them.
We in the alternative healthcare need to take a neutral and unbiased stand to study what in our therapy is working and where is its scope.Also where other therapy can work in a complimentary manner to better health.

Healthcare at various levels have their own agendas and non of them is improving health of people.Nobody is studying the outcomes enough to reach any conclusions. The latest being supplements for women after menopause. A great talk and noise about giving supplements to women after menopause since the eastrogen effect is gone and bones become porus--only to discover later that there was no real advantage and the excess formed stones. Oh supplement company made their money....

The common man as I see them does not want to do anything for his health. Eat less -no, eat healthy-no, eat smart -no, exercise -no, medicate timely-no, patience-no, sleep-no, rest-no, relationships-no.There is very less investments in terms of meaningful behaviour, control. Except spending on  surgery, diagnostics, procedures-any quick fix. Unfortunately body is just not designed for it.

If nobody is making health as their sole focus how can we achieve it ? We need to rise above all our objectives and personal goals to be able to deliver good health. Appropriate for that person, for his body, culture, genetic pattern. We need to INTEGRATE healthcare systems because there really is no one-fit-all medicine. There are places where allopathy works and places where homeopathy works and prayers work and talk works ...You need to choose what is good for you.

From my experience I can say that many times you dont know what worked. Body has self healing capasity if your basic body is not too bad(your body basic is also decide by health genetics of your family). You just have to aid it-help it a little. That can be done by allopathy, homeopathy, prayers whatever....I prefer homeopathy. Do you ?  

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