Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Patient Satisfaction Reports !

What is patient satisfaction ? How is it achieved ? What we need to do to improve it ? These are the questions every hospital is grappling with and few have got it right. Surprise surprise those who have got it also are not necessarily happy about it. Because good reports do not mean anything-sometimes all technically is correct and yet something is amiss.

Recently I read a report online about patient satisfaction which was hilarious...one of the query was "were the nurses curteous and respectful"-do you need respect when you are sick in bed in a hospital ? I would be looking for just simple help and sympathy.The next was "were the doctors curteous and listened carefully and explained ..."-he may listen but what sort of communication is required for patient to be satisfied ?
Next was "did you get help as fast as needed " -this can almost never happen.Because the urgency is felt only by patient and no healthcare can come close to providing it to patients satisfaction.

The perspectives are different -what patient may feel as emergency may not be one.And providing it just because patient wants it is also not the answer.These questions are more a commercial analysis as in it does not have any human elements.Its technical-nurse smiled ? doctor listened ? We all know we can smile without the smile reaching the eyes and we can pretend to listen. So the analysis is fooling nobody.

So are we really ready to connect with the patients? The human element is a very demanding and seeks a lot out of us.It cannot be evaluated by these so-called constructed questioners designed to help.A whole new perspective is required as to how we see our healthcare.Its important cos these are the elements incorporated in alternative healthcare like homeopathy and ayurveda.

In my practice almost all patients report better in their first follow-up.Thats because we have a min 45mts first interview with patients.And all patients say-nobody lisetened so much.! Receiving the patient accepting him as he is, body and mind and soul (not just his stomach or knee) is an imp part of connection and healing.

The problem includes the large hospitals being run not by doctors but MBA like businesses. I repeat you cannot run HEALTHCARE like a BUSINESS. Doctors always complain about the rigidity of hospitals where they work that cramp their style,human side, help-nature.Hence one cardiologist is as good as the other and easily disposible especially if they dont admit their patients.Expertise is below profits and good doctor is nowhere in picture.As a result horror of horror the doctor soon becomes like the organization and CARE goes to the dogs.

I suppose the most important thing is do we care about the patients ? Care means not your hospitals profit but what is patient COMFORTABLE with. If he says he does not want surgery are you providing him choices without getting upset/angry/irritated ? Are you unbiased and happy treating patient of any religion, country, sex, habit? If you dont like a particular patient -he definately knows it.You dont need to say or do anything bad.

Focus has to be on patient -what are his fears, worries, needs, wants.These need to be answered properly.
Connection happens ! Give him space, options, alternatives, support.Prepare them and let them be ready for what you want of them.The connection should be from the heart, where patient feels that the doctor, nurse , hospital understands.

Hospitals need to understand that patients need hospitals so they will be back.Nothing to worry.If these value-added service is given there will be profits.
Hospitals should be like temples in India where people keep going even if none of their dreams materialise-its the TRUST & CONNECT.