Saturday, 6 December 2014

Ebola -Lessons Learnt

Now that ebola is on the ebb in Liberia its a good time to see what have been the important issues, mistakes, avoidables. More important what could have been done or done in a different way so that more money could have been saved and used for causes.

Initial Lethargy: Everyone seems to say that there was an initial lethargy in addressing the problem. At all levels. From the top international bodies to the local people( as we were told in Liberia).Nobody took it seriously and all expected things to get better.

Its easy to say this in retrospective  but at that moment in time its difficult to judge the seriousness of the problem.Really?

Lets look at some other factors . A country ravaged by civil war for 14 yrs, limited healthcare system, importing food, building bridges and infrastructure is not equipped for anything as serious as ebola.
It is said there were only 40 doctors in entire Liberia.

Though its good that WHO has admitted to their errors an MSF report says we are doing the mistakes again and again....

Governance: The international bodies come into play later. What was Liberia doing ? The story of their ministers fleeing their country and subsequently fired is known to all.

MSF/WHO/RED CROSS : All these are so called humanitarian cause bodies. So what stops them from using HOMEOPATHY ?(oh and everybody knows it works !) For humanitarian causes one should use ALL that can be done.For humanity means for human cause-to save lives. How can we improve things if we DONT take any different steps ? Radical changes are possible with bold and slightly risky actions. Same action ---> same result.

If homeopathy had been employed by MSF/ WHO in its earlier days say Jan -June things would have been different. There was no conflict of interest or business back then. Had that failed there were always other things that we could do anyways. Working parallel with other healthcare would have worked well.! Or it may have failed... whatever but we would have the satisfaction of knowing that WE TRIED.

Incorporation of more different pathies helps. Life and health have become much more complex for any one pathy.

Focus:One can see lots of stress given to data,data and data.But what was the quality of the data. Have we been able to understand who died and who survived. More importantly WHY ? What made the difference ? Before I left for Liberia there was not much data (that I could get-maybe there was...) on the state of health of a Liberian person.Of course there are virulent strains- but there is a whole different way of seeing this. How do people escape death or how does body pick itself up ?It is possible to decide with few questions the status of the body and predict the outcomes. Means its possible to predict fairly accurately if person can survive or not but we need different type of patient data for it.There is no data maintained of this type which can help us better to save lives in the future.With few simple question this data can be obtained and analysed.

Death Of Healthcare Workers: In ebola there is often in some patients what is called projectile vomitting. Means even if a healthcare worker stands away the vomitus of patient can still land on his body. Hence its important for healthcare workers to be careful and always protected. There should have been a healthy rolling of roles in the healthcare system. Means a nurse should be employed only say for 3 wks and then her duty changed in other dept (could check her blood first and then..). The reason being as more days go- one starts becoming bold and less cautious about using all the protective gears. However every new one will be more careful. From whatever details I got most of healthcare workers were working continuously for months with ebola patients.

Failure To Include many countries which could also help in things being done differently.So no serious international movement. I wonder why countries did not respond...

Vaccines: There does not seem to be any other answer to all our health/ epidemic problems other than vaccines. Or we dont want to look or explore other. But the problem is vaccines are very COSTLY and need lots of RESOURCES. Also they really are not solving anything. Measles is back, tuberculosis is back, variants of whopping cough is back. Again there are different strains of ebola-can one vaccine give immunity to all ? Can Africa afford the costs ? Can our body keep responding and yet keep its self intact considering we now have diabetes, blood pressure, cancer as ongoing and genetic ? Do we know about all the effects and results ?

These are all external help to body. Focus on the internal health-immunity of the body.Look at health in long term basis over a period of time.Anti-biotic grand era have come and going-did not work. Vaccines not really working. The solution is the inward journey-get your body to be strong and develop its own resistance.(homeopathy can help). And in acute distress -use sparingly conventional treatment. Integrated approach-future of medicine.

Monday, 17 November 2014

Ebola -Ground Realities and vaccine

My 3weeks trip to Liberia has only convinced me further that Ebola needs homeopathy. To be able to validate this we first need to take a journey into the ground realities that prevail in Liberia. The overall healthcare that is prevalent, the infrastructure, the people.

I love to study the human body with all its genetic composition, what illnesses it has passed through, how the body copes with it, its connectivity to the mind. It helps me to know the general capasity of the system and more importantly how is it more likely to improve.Actually much like any machine- so you know the compatibility. A Nokia charger will not work for Sony Erricson or Apple. What is the host body like ?

Well this is really really big ...First there is Malaria-in all its various facets. Means its repeatedly infecting people-all the time. Most people admitted have 2 fingers enlarged liver and spleen. Blood smears are always positive for malaria. People get fever and chills on and off -they are no longer paying attention to it. Lots of research going on about this sort of Malaria and immunity.Already there are multiple understanding about how it hijacks our body. (Too many researches on malaria)

Secondary infections very common so you have typhoid. Widal is positive. So we have malaria and typhoid together as co-infections.Not to mention other varied infection due to low resistance to organisms.Its so imp that WHO has guidelines on it

That secondary infections cause immunosuppression (see management of --secondary infections)

Chronic Anemia which is due to malaria and also because there is no iron rich food available in plenty.The Hb levels is 2, 3, 4. So most patients are first given blood as routine.Lets not talk about children, pregnant women....

Malnutrition is common. Protein rich food is not there especially during ebola times when bush-meat is best avoided. Body is just not upto any sort of fight or resistance.

The other chronic complaints like Diabetes and Blood pressure are also prevalent and add to the problem.
There is long standing loss of appetite due to the current health status. Rice is the staple food along with fruits like papaya, banana, oranges.Sweet potato are plenty.

Now we have an idea of the host body. To this we can think how the Ebola virus can create a havoc. With chronic diseases in body does it have enough strength to respond/react to a virus ? Just not equipped. The symtoms of Ebola of projectile vomitting (which puts so many health workers at risk) and disorientation mimic cerebral oedema. As homeopaths we know that when important organs like brain or heart gets involved means the body is in poor shape.

And what are the current medicines we are giving ? Drips and rest and symtomatic treatment ? Even a common man will understand that this is too little.

Now vaccines are supposed to elicit a response from the body to generate immunity. There is so much data on malaria and immunity and so much research. However, less insight. We do not understand what damages it does and how our immune system stands. So how these host body are going to respond to vaccines is anybodys guess.

We can produce vaccines and ensure people take it but I dont think chronic diseases already there in the body is going to allow positive results. There is research that says that chronic malaria and secondary infections are like immunosuppresants.

Very optimistically it could generate a feeble response. There are many links missing here-science has just not advanced enough but a good learner gets the point.

There is probably evidence to say all these chronic infections hamper immune system..

It would be helpful to address the chronic issues of malaria and typhoid with homeopathic medicines. Its an uphill task no doubt but it IS the only way out. Treating chronic diseases will improve the general body condition and immunity.This then can and WILL be able to deal with repeated infections-even Ebola.

Ebola in itself is not much of issue but its got complicated. Also we do get 4-5 days inbetween to treat before it begins to deteriorate. Should be enough for homeopaths.

Have treated lingering problems in Ebola survivors -better in 3 doses. Sad to see nurses dying and docs critical.So much of mind block !!

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Ebola- how homeopathy can help.

Ebola has scared everyone and one thinks if this is too much of globalization. Also earth is one place and its our responsibility to help all nations so that we save our own skin. The WHO is also debating the ethical issue of trying out untested drugs to contain it.Its clearly a crises more of concepts than the actual infection !

If we study the signs and symtoms they are clear. The incubation period -time from person infected to the time when symtoms appear- is 8 to 10 days. Decent time period. The symtoms are like flu bodyache, joint pains, fever, weakness, diarrohea, vomitting , sore throat. There are differnt starins of the virus like Zaire strain and hence minor changes in al the above.

The virulence of the virus is associated to the death caused by it.The pathology is complex and involves the immune response of the body.Baize et all had studied the Ebola outbreak in Gabon in 1996. His study concluded that the people who survived had a better immune system than the once who did not-this was supported by the levels of IgM responses. So how are body reacts to Ebola is how our immune response is. How this response is will depend on how our body's vitality is. Example -if someone has fever and he is doing all his routine I will say response is poor. If a virus has attacked -you need to feel low, not eat , get weak which shows body is fighting the virus. Such a body will eventually out-power the virus. But if you have diabetes, hypertension, family history of cancer your immunity is innately hampered at core level and you are already in compromised state. Your body state depends on
1) Family history-the more people in family are suffering from major diseases like diabetes, blood pressure,cancer,thyroid the more your body is affected
2) Your history-what you have suffered in the past
3)General vitality-your thoughts, feelings, capasity to cope/manage. A positive thinker conquers all.
4)Pollution of different kinds around where you live.
5) Help given to body in virus crises.

How are we treating Ebola. By quarantining them and giving supportive treatment- keeping fluid levels ,blood pressure,oxygen etc. We are dealing with the problems ebola is creating.

So in actuality in fighting the virus we are NOT assisting the body.We have nothing against the virus which multiplies rapidly.!

The only thing that can assist the body is the miasma tic approach. It is the collective answer to the first 3 points mentioned above. A homeopath takes these into consideration and gives medicine that addresses them. This helps the body to generate the  required response.

To understand our body we have to go back to evolution. There is NO present without a PAST. Our body and genes have evolved over a period of time and will undergo deterioration as well due to environmental changes.According to it will vary our ability to fight virus and bacteria. The problems created by our past, our genes, our environment can be partly addressed by miasma tic medicines. They break the blocks created in our system, improve immunity.

Our Special Recommendations:
In the flu phase-take the history and get all 5points of info mentioned above.
Give medicines like rhus-tox 200 2pills/3times a day till you get the confirmed diagnosis
Give Tub1M single dose if any factors mentioned are positive(patient has diabetes, blood pressure etc)
Full blown case Crotalus H / Lachesis depending on more info-given repeatedly(since high virulence) for at 3days.
After better take full case(homeopaths do it) and give constitutional for next 2 months.
Repeat Tub1m one/two times more.

If the WHO is ready to use untested drugs on people why is it not seeing the homeopathic option here.
If we are ready to prescribe along with the allopathic help it will only help the patients isnt it ?  This is the era of virus, chronic diseases, allergies--all homeopathic domains !

Monday, 28 July 2014

Gall Stones--what to do ?

What are gall stones ? We have a small pouch under our liver which stores the products made by our liver which is called gall bladder. Due to various reasons the matter in the gall bladder undergo changes in form to give rise to hard stones-the gall stones. They are mainly of two types the cholesterol stones and pigment stones. The cholesterol form about 80% of the stones and pigment are 20%.

It affects one in ten in US , causes 800,000 admissions and about 500,000 surgeries for gallstones.

The important reasons why these stone happen are only two. One is a particular body chemistry(which is genetic) and the mobility of the gall-bladder. The gall bladder is a muscular pouch and is supposed to squeeze and pump the fluids into the stomach/intestine (fluid helps in digestion). When this does not happen properly due to any reason or the gall bladder gets inflamed there is fluid stasis(remains in place) and gives rise to stone.Hence often we find recurrence of gall stones because even if the stones are removed the gall bladder is unhealthy and will again form stones.Both these reasons are something which we can hardly change.

The other are the risk factors which if kept minimum can help us in preventing gall stones. Obesity is an obvious risk as it increases the cholesterol levels which will cause gallstones. Doing yo-yo dieting with sudden reduction in weight gain, prolonged fasting,hormone therapy,birth control pills. Women from 20 yrs to 60 yrs are at risk and men over 60yrs. All obese people are at risk.

What happens if you have gall stones. ? Most of the people who have gallstones do not get any problem.They are often diagnosed when sonography is done for some other purpose. They can get formed and remain there for many years without any discomfort to the patient. When they do cause problem the symtoms are 1)pain in abdomen more on right side 2)fullness of abdomen-gases 3)nausea 4)digestion problem-and if severe jaundice, acute pain between shoulder blades and fever.

How to manage gallstones ? For the young people (under 50yrs ) the conservative treatment means
1) Observation- dont start any treatment
2) Reduce weight by starting on daily walks, exercise in a gradual manner
3)Stop hormonal pills/ contraceptives if its possible
4)Reduce all the crash diets, yo-yo diets, fads ...
5)Eat smart- reduce heavy foods, butter,oil,ghee,cheese, junk,large meals. Go for smaller meals and fibre.
6)Try alternative therapy like homeopathy. Give it at least 8-10wks and see. Most of the times the symtoms are reduced and the stones may remain. Good enough.

Surgery is not a good idea as surgery is a major one and stones do form again if gall bladder unhealthy. If you remove the entire gall bladder also there are problems
Of course there will be -you are removing an organ out of the body!

For the senior citizens walks is a good idea as a form of exercise and reduction in heavy foods.Can also go for alternative therapy and try.There is no need for surgery if the symptoms are less-or can be reduced by any other therapy. Chances of stone obstructing bile duct and causing jaundice are not very common and if happens can be treated easily. Chances of causing cancer or pancreatitis are very remote and hence should not be the reason for every gallstone surgery.

Many times larger stones do not do anything and can be ignored.Surgery in senior citizens actually is a problem because of the other health issues like blood pressure, diabetes and no added benefit to the person.

No action is many times the best action !

Saturday, 19 July 2014

When will we have a healthy world ?

The World Health Organisation(WHO) was founded on 7 April 1948 as an off shoot of the UN. It was meant to take up a leadership role on world health platform. Today, WHO is really not a formidable body and was currently criticised for overplaying the H1N1 scare (2010) and wasting large sums of public money.

At the governmental levels few have been able to keep politics out of their healthcare schemes and policies. The big pharmas have a giant role to play in the economics of Europe and UK homeopathic hospitals are closing down.It has taken UK-NHS (one of the foremost in research) so many years to realise that homeopathy does not work ?  Haha....

At the hospital levels it is all about returns and profits. Big hospitals are run not by doctors/physicians but MBAs who are wired for profits. So if you are not admitting more patients you can be replaced by a doctor who does. The most advanced diagnostics has to be available at the hospital -so you can charge patients more. No consideration that your area may not need it to the extent or cases in your area does not warrant its use.As a result what happens is that a hospital buys this big costly diagnostic facility, finds not much use-then sort of manipulates patients to use it and hence add to the headache of recovering the costs.
Oh please its only diagnosis-the major part is to treat and get results, get health !

At the level of clinics which directly cater to the patients its all about what works and what does not. I as a homeopath may feel it works, an ayurvedic may feel the same about ayurveda etc.We directly connect and work closely with people.We too are looking at our kitty at the end of the day. Some of us run 2 clinics and are constantly competing with nearby doctors, hospitals, different treating methods. Few can really say how their patients are doing or whats working for them.
We in the alternative healthcare need to take a neutral and unbiased stand to study what in our therapy is working and where is its scope.Also where other therapy can work in a complimentary manner to better health.

Healthcare at various levels have their own agendas and non of them is improving health of people.Nobody is studying the outcomes enough to reach any conclusions. The latest being supplements for women after menopause. A great talk and noise about giving supplements to women after menopause since the eastrogen effect is gone and bones become porus--only to discover later that there was no real advantage and the excess formed stones. Oh supplement company made their money....

The common man as I see them does not want to do anything for his health. Eat less -no, eat healthy-no, eat smart -no, exercise -no, medicate timely-no, patience-no, sleep-no, rest-no, relationships-no.There is very less investments in terms of meaningful behaviour, control. Except spending on  surgery, diagnostics, procedures-any quick fix. Unfortunately body is just not designed for it.

If nobody is making health as their sole focus how can we achieve it ? We need to rise above all our objectives and personal goals to be able to deliver good health. Appropriate for that person, for his body, culture, genetic pattern. We need to INTEGRATE healthcare systems because there really is no one-fit-all medicine. There are places where allopathy works and places where homeopathy works and prayers work and talk works ...You need to choose what is good for you.

From my experience I can say that many times you dont know what worked. Body has self healing capasity if your basic body is not too bad(your body basic is also decide by health genetics of your family). You just have to aid it-help it a little. That can be done by allopathy, homeopathy, prayers whatever....I prefer homeopathy. Do you ?  

Saturday, 12 July 2014

Homeopathy is a girls best friend ..

Womens health should be one of the top priority in every home. Since on this is dependent lives of many others to whom she is mother,wife,daughter,teacher,friend etc.

The most important is the menstrual cycles and sexual development. A regular menstrual cycle is a reflection of good health. All menstrual irregularities can be treated safely and effectively with homeopathy.It is a good option especially in young girls with menstrual irregularity. However it is important to have the diagnosis clear and hence the understanding of pathology.So the reason for menstrual irregularity should be ascertained and then the scope for homeopathic treatment. The need for unnecessary hormonal pills that could have side-effects can be avoided.

In the young women many problems can be treated with homeopathy. Small sized fibroid, lumps in breats like cysts,fibro-adenoma , abscesses, boils can completely disappear with homeopathy. Vaginal discharges from fungal infections, dryness of vaginal, boils or abscesses can be treated. Acne chronic or acute -pus filled or leaving scars respond beautifully to homeopathy.

In young women pregnancy related problems like excessive vomitting, lethargy, infections (cannot take allopathy) can be effectively treated. Problems of lactation, cracked nipple in young mother are treated by homeopathy.

Besides all the other ageing problems homeopathy has good medicines for menopausal problems like flushes,thyroid, depression, weakness etc. Pain in muscles or fibromyalgia , joint pains, uric acid can be treated by homeopathy.

The more serious women related problems like infertility, cancer palliation, PCOD respond well. Homeopaths today use all the modern diagnostics inorder to prove their results and also monitor progress.In India homeopaths have worked to establish homeopathy as a modern science. There are no side-effects in homeopathy and the treatment is gentle, kind and wholistics with all the emotional considerations that are so vital to women.

Homeopaths and homeopathy truely cares for women. We understand the hyper-state, the high-strung state, the mood swings, the empty nest syndrome, the sleeplessness, the relationships gone wrong. We listen to body and mind and soul. Listening is the first step in productive help.

Homeopathy is a womens best friend NOT diamonds...

Thursday, 26 June 2014

Surgeries and healthcare costs

The recent paper by Dr Aseem Malhotra in JAMA (Journal Of American Medical Association) has caused a stir and I hope he causes a revolution in the entire thought process in healthcare. He says that most of the stenting done for heart patients is not necessary and not required and neither really beneficial.EUREKA !
Its out in the open (refer my earlier post on heart and common sense).In India its been going on for a long time but what do I say? India is just coming out from the joint family and with economy ok most have disposable income and healthcare is becoming fancy.

However, in USA who has been lamenting about the high healthcare costs this is important. Maybe a lot of surgeries are not required because if the totality of the body is taken into account surgeries may not change the outcomes for the patient. With rising costs hospitals can also refrain from such procedures.There is plenty of evidence that many know this -but still it goes on...

What is stent implantation ? Lets say that you have diabetes and high cholesterol. This is like "extra" and it starts to accumulate in your heart arteries (coronary artery) or the arteries that supply blood to your heart. Now heart is the blood supplier to the whole body (like a pump) and hence important and it needs enough blood.The result of this accumulation is that the arteries collapse/block/jammed and blood cannot flow through. Angioplasty means with balloon and pressure you mechanically sort of open it.But often it open and collapses back-so a STENT is put-sort of metal mesh-to hold it in place.

This does not work well because there are many issues with this-the body can reject it, you can have allergies to dyes required for procedures, there can be bleeding and rupture.Many times for a single patient multiple stents are advised doubling the risks.There are NO long term benefits in fatal heart attacks, death or emergency operations.

Why are they of no benefit ? Simply because this stage of arteries have happened over a period of time due to high cholesterol levels, stress, emotions, diet, lack of exercise.Have any of these significantly changed ? No, after operation within 48 hrs I am back at work. Great ! back to work, stress, cholesterol-heart block.
So how can we expect things to reverse ? You are just emptying the bucket-close the TAP for good results.

What do we need to do ? Take a wholistic view of person, his needs, his mobility, his stress. If there are multiple blocks and he has severe diabetes, high cholesterol, wants only simple mobility why do this operation.? I had once a patient 73yrs old who was advised 5 stents who was diabetic (controlled) and walked 2kms daily. One of his block was the carotid artery(goes to brain) for which they dont do stenting.
So I told him it was no use cause if carotid is blocked you will die anyways-no point in surgery.He is 80 today without surgery and still walks 2kms.

What happens if stenting is not done ? In most cases the other small arteries of the heart start supplying blood to heart much like we using small lanes when the highway is closed. This is enough for a normal non-hectic life.

Much like heart there are many unwanted surgeries done-hysterectomy(removal of uterus), gall bladder stone removal , bypass surgery, varicose veins surgery.

As I see it surgery is a serious issue and specially the heart. Not from money point of view though thats important as well. Its heart not some plumbing in your kitchen. Heart is  tough enough to cope with many things but its important for us to assist it by our behavior. It self heals with time and patience and little help.

Imagine 400,000 non emergency stenting procedures are done in US each year.

There should be addressing the underlying causes, then medication, then evaluation and then surgery if not better with all that was done.Even one-third reduction can save 6billion$.

Alternative therapy like homeopathy does exactly the way it needs to be done.And I am not saying its a miracle. Homeopathy helps heart self heal ! And dirt-cheap !

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Why do you sneeze ?

Global climatic change is here and will stay in the foreseeable future.The changes are acute, rapid and varied.In my initial years of practice there would be few cases of allergy or sneezing.Now a days no matter what complaint the person comes with -he/she does have sneezing once in a while.This itself is proof enough for the massive levels of atmospheric changes.

Sneeze perhaps is one of the most sensitive index of atmospheric changes on us. Sneeze is a forceful expulsion of air from lungs through nose and mouth. This happens because something has irritated the lungs and should be thrown out of the body-natures defense mechanism. It is necessary so that the important organ -lungs -can be protected from particles that irritate/harm it. So if dust particles go in lungs we start sneezing. This inner lining of the lung is also sensitive to atmospheric changes and often produce phlegm.Production of phlegm is also lungs response to cope with changes so that it can protect itself.

The factors that can cause sneeze are many. Most common are dust, house dust, minute powdery material like talc-powder,spices.Climatic changes like sudden cold, cloudy, hot, humid,rains,snow. Changes in body temp like after swimming, cold showers, breeze.There is also photics -people who sneeze due to sunlight.

Sneezing actually represents two things 1) Your immunity -the status of your body to fight 2) Your sensitivity-the body's ability to get affected by stimulus.It is the heightened state. Sneezing is normal under certain circumstances but sneezing all the time or with even slightest of dust etc is an aggravated state and needs treatment.A few days of homeopathic treatment is all that is required. Often we see that untreated cases of chronic sneezing progressing into asthma, bronchitis which are also allergic problems.

In trains or buses I often see people making faces when someone sneezes-now that is silly. Though its said that around 100,000 germs are released in a single sneeze they are essentially not harmful. If your immunity is low or you are already unwell then only you may be affected.

As a homeopath I find sneezing a healthy body response-the body knows that there is something that needs to be expelled from the body.Ars-alb, Arum, Allium cepa are my favorite medicines for sneezing !
Achooooo god bless you.

Monday, 7 April 2014

Why homeopathy for your kids ?

All parents love their kids and want the best for them. Do we give them the best ? Are we ready to be patient, tolerant, and put our biases aside in order to give them the best ? In today's hectic world we are choosing easy options rather than right options.

So what is best healthcare option for kids and why ? Something that does not harm the basic-body structure, is easy to take, is safe and does not have side-effects and is therefore good for long-term health. Is it right to apply that cream and make the rash vanish so that as a parent you feel better or should you find out more. ?
Most parents tell me -i have an important meeting tomorrow -his fever HAS to get better. Now first the fever does not know you have a meeting-jokes apart-if the fever is malaria its not going to get better.So get someone to baby-sit for that meeting. Have patience to diagnose more about fever rather than giving fever suppressants like crocin etc.Easy and quick fix options are not good or advisable. We also see abuse of medicines in repeated complaints to say nothing of the side effects.

How does all this harm the kids ?
1) Like in fever since we keep giving crocin we dont know what the actual state of fever is -and fever is because of infections and hence we dont know if infection is better. Many times it may suddenly come up in more serious forms
2)Over medication has harmful effects on our body
3) Misplaced medication also upsets the expression of our body and hence we may have difficulty in diagnosing complaints. Expression of body is important to quickly diagnose and treat it.
4)Prolonged mis-use of medicines/drugs causes genetic changes which can be transferred to next generation.They in turn will have problems because of their weak genetics.Later generations will also have compromised health.

Hence it is important that we have a healthcare that is gentle and safe with no side-effects. Treating children with homeopathy is not easy -it requires lots of patience on part of parents, along with faith in system and trust in the homeopath.But it works beautifully ! Latest research (by AC Neilson) says that once a person has taken homeopathy -above 95% or so stick to it.Awesome !


Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Patient Satisfaction Reports !

What is patient satisfaction ? How is it achieved ? What we need to do to improve it ? These are the questions every hospital is grappling with and few have got it right. Surprise surprise those who have got it also are not necessarily happy about it. Because good reports do not mean anything-sometimes all technically is correct and yet something is amiss.

Recently I read a report online about patient satisfaction which was of the query was "were the nurses curteous and respectful"-do you need respect when you are sick in bed in a hospital ? I would be looking for just simple help and sympathy.The next was "were the doctors curteous and listened carefully and explained ..."-he may listen but what sort of communication is required for patient to be satisfied ?
Next was "did you get help as fast as needed " -this can almost never happen.Because the urgency is felt only by patient and no healthcare can come close to providing it to patients satisfaction.

The perspectives are different -what patient may feel as emergency may not be one.And providing it just because patient wants it is also not the answer.These questions are more a commercial analysis as in it does not have any human elements.Its technical-nurse smiled ? doctor listened ? We all know we can smile without the smile reaching the eyes and we can pretend to listen. So the analysis is fooling nobody.

So are we really ready to connect with the patients? The human element is a very demanding and seeks a lot out of us.It cannot be evaluated by these so-called constructed questioners designed to help.A whole new perspective is required as to how we see our healthcare.Its important cos these are the elements incorporated in alternative healthcare like homeopathy and ayurveda.

In my practice almost all patients report better in their first follow-up.Thats because we have a min 45mts first interview with patients.And all patients say-nobody lisetened so much.! Receiving the patient accepting him as he is, body and mind and soul (not just his stomach or knee) is an imp part of connection and healing.

The problem includes the large hospitals being run not by doctors but MBA like businesses. I repeat you cannot run HEALTHCARE like a BUSINESS. Doctors always complain about the rigidity of hospitals where they work that cramp their style,human side, help-nature.Hence one cardiologist is as good as the other and easily disposible especially if they dont admit their patients.Expertise is below profits and good doctor is nowhere in picture.As a result horror of horror the doctor soon becomes like the organization and CARE goes to the dogs.

I suppose the most important thing is do we care about the patients ? Care means not your hospitals profit but what is patient COMFORTABLE with. If he says he does not want surgery are you providing him choices without getting upset/angry/irritated ? Are you unbiased and happy treating patient of any religion, country, sex, habit? If you dont like a particular patient -he definately knows it.You dont need to say or do anything bad.

Focus has to be on patient -what are his fears, worries, needs, wants.These need to be answered properly.
Connection happens ! Give him space, options, alternatives, support.Prepare them and let them be ready for what you want of them.The connection should be from the heart, where patient feels that the doctor, nurse , hospital understands.

Hospitals need to understand that patients need hospitals so they will be back.Nothing to worry.If these value-added service is given there will be profits.
Hospitals should be like temples in India where people keep going even if none of their dreams materialise-its the TRUST & CONNECT.

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Senior Ctizens And Homeopathy

Otherwise practicing medicine is boring-same complaints, same solutions for years on end.A hilarious moment I can recollect-this old man came to see me and said "dont give me medicine for my bedwetting -i have been taking a medicine for it for years and it still works"."So you did not get treated at all -after so many years"I said.The penny dropped and the person realised that though he had been taking this medicine for years it did not solve his problem.

This is what happens-the person found a way to get rid of his problem in a way which was easy and convenient.Did he have a choice ? Are adult diapers the solution ? No. They are not solving the core problem just providing facility to deal with it.

There are many such problems due to old age incontinence of urine, easy fractures and delayed healing of bones, joint pains and bodyache, sleeplessness, memory loss. In people suffering from multiple problems like diabetes, hypertention, post-by pass surgery, failing kidneys there are issues of unfit for surgery. There are also many small awkward complaints-like this 77yrs old who had hiccups, or 80yrs old women with knee pain and did not want surgery. For most of them the regular allopathic medicines are not working, causing too much of acidity, side-effects. Hence they are searching for solutions that are safe and effective.

The conventional doctors are in a fix.There is really nothing that they can do for that knee-pain except give pain-killers.Again pain-killers are treating the pain on a temporary and superficial basis. Nothing much can be done to damaged knee-cartilage but surgery to fix it.So they dont know what to say to their old patients if they refuse surgery.

I do understand the view of the old people.Every surgeon says "oh its easy, small stuff, no problem " -while reality is different. When laser surgery came first there were these people who believed in it and found a wonderful solution to their eye-problem.However few people did get dryness of eyes for which there was no solution.So what did the patient get and did he benefit? You decide.
So senior citizens are hesitant , critical and fearful of medicines, docs, procedures, tests etc.

Senior citizens are also dealing with whole social scenario, loneliness, isolation, boredom. They are coming to terms with life-out of central activity, dependency, fear of death. Also the failing body-its difficult and painful and nobody has the patience .....

In view of all this homeopathy is a big help.I have had MD docs practicing all their lives suddenly discovering homeopathy.We do have miracles to stop that knee pain, leaking urine, constipation, sleeplessness...And the solution are simple sweet pills or liquid medicines-perfect !

Dignity for senior citizens with homeopathy !