Tuesday 23 July 2013

Psoriasis and Homeopathy

There is not a single homeopath worth his salt who will not talk to you about treating Psoriasis with homeopathy. Even DrBatras used it extensively for their advertising footage across the country.It talks about the homeopathic superiority over allopathy done convincingly.An area where nobody can challenge its results. But the fact is that you dont need to be a great or good homeopath to do this.Psoriasis simply responds to homeopathy better.

In the begining of my practice I never could understand why a small pimple or a mark on face should upset people so much that they are ready to do anything to get rid of it.It was only later that I realised the crazy world of looks and beauty.And only later to the obsessiveness about skin.

This is the very reason that we are talking about psoriaisis.Because it is on the skin, can be seen.The moment it comes up people go into this aggressive hurry to get rid of it--creams, pills,oitments,doctors-anything at all to get rid of the ugly look.And if you are a doc dont even mention the word pso.. just say rash.!

Psoriasis is an itchy-flaky skin complaint which often exudes powdery discharge and makes the look silvery and ugly.Increased itching makes the skin dark and thick over a period of time.It just goes worse since it does not respond to allopathy and steroids are prescribed.Though I have nothing against steroids it supresses the lesion and later makes it worse.This is the reason that we homeopaths get psorisis when they are bigger,worse and out of control.And yet we get results -see !

The reason is that its immune-mediated skin disorder.Means our own cells dont understand and wrongly cause over-production of cells.And improved immunity is what homeopathy does best.With constitutional medicines the immunity begins to improve and the crazy cells are made to see some sense.But its not that easy because generally people come to us late or advanced stage, itching is intense at times and hence difficult to manage, the progress with homeopathy is slow and difficult for patient to sustain. Most of all person does not want to go to social places etc for fear of people asking him about him or shunning him.
Another issue is of local application of ointments or creams.Patients like using it and always ask for it. Now a serious student of homeopathy or practitioner will not allow application for fear of destroying the skins natural expression which helps him prescribe.But if nothing is given to patients they will use their old left-over steroid cream prescribed by allopath.So I go midway and prescribe them homeopathic creams.Patient feels good that he is applying something and I am happy that steroid is gone.Everybody wins !

All psoriasis patients become our friends because we hand-hold them through their painful journey.The moment there is one good patch or healed skin he is not leaving you for sure,because he has done it all paid every doc he was shown and nothing had helped.Many times the patches are so large that it takes a long time to make it normal.I had a patient whose at least 70% skin was affected and he was with me for over 3yrs or so.All the time getting better but slowly...Ended up wishing me on my birthday..

Thursday 18 July 2013

Monsoon Health With Homeopathy

This year the rains in Mumbai -India have been incessant.There is no sun and this is not easy for us as we are not used to it. This high humidity, rains, no sun is not good for health.

Why ? There are what I call intrinsic factors and extrinsic factors, some in our hands and some not. Extrinsic factors are poor roads, unhygienic water and food, poor public transport, stagnant water--which indirectly taxes our health and makes it vulnerable. It helps fester organisms and germs. Laws are not strict and hence situation continues year-after-year.
Intrinsic factors are about us and our body.It looses its peak form due to lack of sun and too much rains. It has to be nurtured with warm drinks like soups to keep it going.Some of us are allergic or cannot bear a cold breeze. Add to this stress of simple commuting and work pressure or even unpleasant news.There are rheumatic bodies which get aches and pains as it begins to pour....

Now when this is the state of body it cannot handle any infection-whether stomach, respiratory, skin. Medicines will work slowly, and there is often recurrence.The problem is more in stomach infections where person will not be confident enough to travel.

Homeopathy is a refreshing help during monsoon. It can treat your continuous sneezing, coughs, colds, bodyaches, pains better but will also prevent you from getting it again.The constitutional medicine helps you to cope with all the intrinsic factors well so that its in top gear.This will help to handle the extrinsic factors well.The power of good health is in your hands.

The acute medicines will take care of your current problem like sneezing, cold , sinus etc and your constitutional medicines will increase your immunity so that your system can deal with other diseases.The mismatic medicines will help rheumatic tendencies.
Over a period of time the state of body improves.Recurrent illness saps you of energy and enthusiasm.

Every day one reads about Leptospirosis, jaundice, cholera and all these diseases popping their heads during monsoon.All you need is to visit your homeopath and take your medicine so that you are fortified.

Homeopathy has grown so much that recently in Cuba govt dealt with Leptospirosis with homeopathy with great results.
Make Homeopathy your preferred choice of treatment so that no health-news should scare you !